You have to remember that medication is free up here, so when you go to the doctor with a boil on your bum, she (if your lucky) always asks " so hows you today"..... the standard reply is "terrible Dr I feel like shit".
Oh that's nae good, here have some of these, and these, also these ones are really good.
So before you know it your dancing happily along the road to the chemist, chuffed as fk that you have got something for nowt.
Oh and the boil, well that's still there
I have no doubt that there may be something in what you are saying, but I'm not sure that's the whole reason.
I don't pay for medication, as a couple of the illnesses that I have make me exempt.
But that does not mean that I relish every time I get my carrier bag of meds each month, and carrier bag is not an exageration !
I'm sick & tired of taking 34 tablets a day, and 2 to 4 injections a day.
Also down here when you are exempt from charges down here, it does not cover everything, for example two to three years ago all of my teeth except four at the back fell out, or broke off due to a massive calcium deficiency, So over the last few years I have had to shell out in the region of £1000 to have the snapped ones removed, and a set of dentures made, because the NHS won't pay the bill because they class it as "cosmetic treatment"
My biggest beef though about the NHS, and exempt prescription fees is this.
One of the illnesses that makes me exempt from prescription fees is that I am Insulin Dependent Diabetic because my Pancreas packed up 15 years ago.
A few years ago when Theresa May was PM there was public outrage over the fact that she was using a constant sampling blood sugar monitor, and a micro insulin injector, after a while the furor died down when the NHS said they would make it a matter for each health authority's discretion, another furor then kicked off because it then made it into a postcode decision, so it would depend on where you lived. Now to get rid of that situation you can request one via your GP, however they will only be issued to Type 1 Diabetics, not Type 2 diabetics. So, even though my sugar level has to be controlled by insulin, with the possibility of me dropping into a coma if it gets to low, I cannot request a constant monitor, as my diabetes is classed as Type 2, not type one !
What a load of cock, either you are Insulin dependent, or you are not, simple enough !
Okay, rant over.