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What did your Postie bring you today? - VAPE MAIL!

A couple of things, the Coily tool arrived today, it came with a wee bag of Haribos ...sweet!
And this actually arrived 2 days ago, a Uwell Rafale tank, courtesy of @andy3434, much obliged to ya sah! :)

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Didn't get sweeties with my Coily :( Good job I don't like sweets... just chocolate lol :D

I seem to be quite fortunate in receiving little treats with my orders...this is the third time I've had freebie sweets included in my order. And very nice they are too...love a gummy! :D
I seem to be fortunate in getting little sweeties added with some of my orders...this is the third time I've had a freebie sweeties in my orders now! And very nice they are too...love a gummy! :D
Coily's won on a Monday come with sweets as it's Simon himself who sends them out. Naturevape purchases get sent out the same as any other order.
There's a few vendors who regularly send goodies like Dripworx & Colonel Bloom & a couple of others I can't remember.
Coily's won on a Monday come with sweets as it's Simon himself who sends them out. Naturevape purchases get sent out the same as any other order.
There's a few vendors who regularly send goodies like Dripworx & Colonel Bloom & a couple of others I can't remember.

Le Petite Vapotuer put several little things in with the Zenith I bought last month, including a cloth bag, a huge LPV sticker, some little printed rubber coaster thingy & single strawberry chew.

One doesn't get this level of customer treatment with Amazon, does one?! :)
Coily's won on a Monday come with sweets as it's Simon himself who sends them out. Naturevape purchases get sent out the same as any other order.
There's a few vendors who regularly send goodies like Dripworx & Colonel Bloom & a couple of others I can't remember.

Does this Simon make anything else, cos i'm thinking....I might go back for seconds! :D
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