Morning chaps
So yesterday I received my authentic Hadaly after having a couple of the SXK clones. I've fitted the squonk pin and put a nice ss alien in there. Unfortunately it whistles so loudly I've had to abandon it for the day for a clone.
Has anyone else had this issue and is there a fix? Is it just the insulator blocking part of the air flow and it needs reallligning?
Thanks in advance [emoji3]
So yesterday I received my authentic Hadaly after having a couple of the SXK clones. I've fitted the squonk pin and put a nice ss alien in there. Unfortunately it whistles so loudly I've had to abandon it for the day for a clone.
Has anyone else had this issue and is there a fix? Is it just the insulator blocking part of the air flow and it needs reallligning?
Thanks in advance [emoji3]