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Why does vaping keep getting banned???

It must be a Regional thing, as I've stated on here before I've never been knocked back where I live or when i've been into Liverpool apart from Wetherspoons for some reason although that's no great loss because I very rarely go in there anyway!!! as said in previous posts vote with your feet and if enough people do it the landlords might have second thoughts, especially as their struggling like the rest of us!!!:hugs:
I've yet to be told off even in Wetherspoons! Must be my pretty face keeping them at bay ;)
I've never been banned from vaping anywhere in Barrow-in-furness, I was being pretty blatant with it on Friday night too. Vaping my head off right at the bar.
Does anyone know hospitals stance on vaping? My dad is currently in wrightington hospital for a hip replacement and no one has said anything about him having a cheeky toot.
I would take the KMS tack. Go speak to the landlord sometime when he's quiet and take a couple of printouts of decent information about vaping and explain to him that as of right now the science shows that it's basically harmless and the "2nd hand vapour" has no health concerns at all.

Tell him that obviously it's his choice what to do in his own pub and you'll respect his decision, but you wanted him to base his choice on the facts and not only on some of the rubbish they print in the newspapers.

Then if he still bans vaping - find a new local :)
Thanks everyone for your responses.
I'll get a print out of the info about vaping and ask him to pass it on to the pub owners.
I think the major problem is that people call em electric cigarettes instead of vaperizers and that word scares people.
I don't even think the real reason is about potential risks, it's solely about the fear that an anti-smoker will see the plume and react as though it were smoking - probably not because they actually think it is (e-cigs have appeared in public and in the media enough now for people to not assume a cloud in a non-smoking area is smoke), but because they have been so brainwashed over the last 10 years or so that the mere sight of smoke will damage their health, then something that looks like smoke and has roughly the same effect on the user couldn't possibly NOT be bad for them.

Not only does this ignore the fact that there is actually no evidence that passive smoking is a health hazard (people just believe it because everyone has said it often enough, particularly a well-loved celebrity with lung cancer), but also simply feeds into this irrational hatred of all things related to nicotine use/smokers.

I've said it before, the anti e-cig attitude from the public stems from their hatred of smokers.

I've had two intense debates on trip advisor about vaping on planes, and it's full of people harping on about inhaling our nicotine. As research has shown little or no nicotine in the exhaled vapour, eating a potato salad would infect them with nicotine more than I could, but there's no rationality to work with in such debates.

As far as I'm concerned, as a business that invites me in to bring them custom, they have no moral right to prevent me from vaping, in exactly the same way that it would be unreasonable to tell me I couldn't chew gum or wear red. Generally, I aim to vape inconspiciously, but I'll be damned if Im going to ask to pursue a harmless and legal activity. If I'm ever asked to stop, I'll drink up and leave.

Landlords, managers and pub chains need to understand that the old smokers (the loss of whom since the smoking ban has closed many a pub) will return to the pubs if they can vape and a golden opportunity to revitalise the pub trade will be lost with these short-sighted and ill-informed decisions.
I have actually been told before that it wasn't fair on smokers if I could use it inside and they had to go outside to get their nicotine hit! When I'm at my local though I just wait till my friends go for a smoke and go outside with them keeping the social part of smoking there.

When I went to the rugby at Leicester last weekend a Leicester fan started talking to me as he had one aswell apparently the club banned them from being used anywhere in the ground just like cigs due to the same reason that smokers had complained it wasn't fair apparently.

Who gives a flying shit about fair?

It's not fair that I haven't won the lottery but that doesn't mean money should be banned.

It's like people taking offence about stuff...

I have never actually been told to stop before and none of the stewards at the rugby said anything
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