so, can you clarify what you're looking for - tight MTL, ~loose MTL or DTL vaping? The market was really flooded with RTAs that are marked as "mtl" and hyped up by various youtube channels and it's pretty tricky to find reviewers who have vaped MTL for a long time and can tell you if the atty is flavorful.
in general, it depends on the build - a lot of these new MTL atties from china work well with MTL claptons and other fancy coils, where EU "premium" RTAs (and their clones from china) work with single strand wire builds.
For MTL vaping, especially if you know or sort of understand russian I'd recommend "Паропровод Сила Сибири" (search for it on youtube). They mainly do "EU premium" RTAs however they often cover chinese clones of those RTAs and they're all seasoned MTL users.
From my personal experience for MTL i would recommend the eXvape Expromizer V4 - it gives off very good flavor with simple round wire, is pretty much leak proof and has the same build deck as the Kayfun. I wouldn't recommend the Spica Pro unless you also buy a nano kit or something similar - the topfill cap design is horrible and refilling it is a pain in the ***.
Alternatively, just get a Dvarw (or dwarv) clone from one of the chinese websites. You get a lot of AFC options, it's simple to work on once you get the wicking right and it gives off excellent flavor.