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Smok. Good or Bad ?

vape snobbery yer right lmfao, ive recently purchased 3 mods for around 40 quid each, 2 smoant charons & a voopoo drag, know nobody owning a mod with the words poo on it is hardly a snob..

my issues with smok are the alien peeled like a bad dose of sun burnt skin, the H-priv chewed batterys all time thanks to a crap door & TVF8 that leaked more than some old age pensioner, thats why in my opinion they are & always will be utter shite !

Seriously? Utter shite? Okey Dokey.
They appeal to "new" vapes who want clouds bro clouds and shops selling them to people as starter kits doesnt help
Whilst remembering to "Chill out" I must say this kind of comment is the vaping snobbery thing I am talking about.

Yout talk of "new" vapes like we are all adolescent trouble makers who just want clouds bro. Iv'e heard great things about you Smut but when you say stuff like that, well ........you see what I am saying?
I know that the "party line" on the forum that however you vape and whatever you vape, if it keeps you off the fags it is all good.
We all know however that our own personal choices are better than other peoples personal choices.
Perhaps there should be a Good or Bad section on the forum where folk can have honest disagreements about kit and styles of vaping.

Mtl, Good or Bad ?
Mechs, Good or Bad ?
Custard Good or Bad ?
Big buzz, coolest atty of the moment, Good or Bad?

It would at least establish that whatever your choices are, other folk think those choices are shit and you should be happy that your choices are your choices.

By the way.

Mtl is good, but if you loosen the draw just a little, it is better.
Mechs are good, but too many people push them too hard.
Custard is just an abomination.
The big buzz coolest atty of the moment is not bad but is overrated and will be history soon.
Whilst remembering to "Chill out" I must say this kind of comment is the vaping snobbery thing I am talking about.

Yout talk of "new" vapes like we are all adolescent trouble makers who just want clouds bro. Iv'e heard great things about you Smut but when you say stuff like that, well ........you see what I am saying?
There's no vaping snobbery around Smok products from long established 'vapers' (and which I'm sure @smut meant to type instead of vapes) but they have previous;y brought dangerous mods to market in the Smok 30w mini that was a fire hazard that IIRC they refused to acknowledge, but did revise the model to make it work safely after numerous pictures of melted ones began appearing on the net.

The Koopor mini saga put me off them for good when they sold a product that claimed to be USB upgradeable and which was a massive breakthrough at the pricepoint at the time, that wasn't - they fecked up the USB port so it needed a specialist cable to be able to upgrade it, so you had to return it to your dealer for the upgrade and pay postage both ways! To sort inherent issues in a product, you had to pay for the benefit. A very bright ape made a cable and sent it on passround to fellow apes to enable an upgrade. I'd sold mine in disgust by then.

If you are happy with your Smok purchases, I'm pleased for you, but be aware of Smok's history in treating it's punters with disdain previously.

As for mech's being unsafe, what bollocks - they are perfectly safe when used correctly and not everyone runs at 0.07! I find a mech gives a smooth vape that an electronic device just cannot manage :)
Whilst remembering to "Chill out" I must say this kind of comment is the vaping snobbery thing I am talking about.

Yout talk of "new" vapes like we are all adolescent trouble makers who just want clouds bro. Iv'e heard great things about you Smut but when you say stuff like that, well ........you see what I am saying?

Well you can perceive my comment however you see fit seeing as you seem to be slumming every negative bias against Smok products into this so called "vaping snobbery" category of yours.

Trouble makers? Am i missing something here? am i not reading between the lines? How do you go from what i said to that? My comment is based of the amount of threads on here and facebook that seem to crop up day to day asking which product is the best for clouds, which is the best Smok tank, new vapers joining the forum saying they just pick up a Smok Alien starter kit from their B&M and dont know how to use it.

Its not in my control what people say about me or my coils "great" or bad. Well ...what? Is that meant to make me feel bad/guilty about what i said? Are you trying to insinuate that i care about what you or any other person on this forum thinks about me? because if so, you have me sadly mistaken for someone else.
I use the smok R steam mini and smok spirals tank and if you dont wick the tank just right then you can have issues but thats down to me and the temp control is a bit funny about a tank when first screwed on but taking tank off again and putting it back on corrects the problem. The only niggle i have is the usb port came out so have to keep it in place with some surgical tape and the paint work chips easy other than that i am very happy.
You basically said how shit it is but you are very happy with it:hmm:
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