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FAO @DeeDee

I never found (admittedly I didn't try very hard at all) a mint or menthol juice that didn't make me cough.

I could smoke menthols, but not vape them...

Is there any particular reason you've only given her minty and tobacco flavours?
Maybe that is the problem. I dunno. What should I try her on then?
Washing machine & dishwasher [emoji23][emoji23]. Joking aside, Pal II Pro would be a cheap try & get a couple of spare pods & rotate flavours easier.
:D I'm seriously pissed with her smoking. She is trying her best to do this. Hope it works whatever I buy her. I'm willing to spend shit loads of money on her to get her off the fags.
Maybe that is the problem. I dunno. What should I try her on then?
I think getting a few flavours would be best. Some 10ml bottles to sample perhaps from dinner lady or another well used brand. As you know yourself you usually have to go through a lot of crap till you find something you like.

I have an unponed Jac vapour vim you can have to try. Great battery and the coils are very good and last well. Not going to give stellar flavour but it’s a solid thing and I think something that’s perfect to start off on as you know it’s going to last and it’s well made. Also it’s not going to cost you anything :)
@3dj if you want something simple for her the Uwell Caliburn is highly rated https://vapeuk.co.uk/products/uwell-caliburn-pod-kit-with-free-10ml-vape-uk-e-liquid or the Voopoo find s trio is pretty damm good for battery life and flavour https://vaping101.co.uk/products/voopoo-find-trio-pod-kit-1200mah wouldnt recommend the smok nord due to the fact that coils are fucking shite but there is a nord 2 https://www.heavengifts.com/product/SMOK-Nord-2-Kit.html coming out with completly new coils so that could be an option i think the stuff like the aegis boost,pm80 etc will probably make her cough her guts up due to the amount of vapor they produce but then again maybe not
id grab a handful of different salts at differnet stengths see what works
Maybe that is the problem. I dunno. What should I try her on then?


The problem I have with recommendations for juice is that it's obviously based on that person's taste.

I've had someone say "here, try this tobacco juice, it's lovely" and to me it tasted like they'd rubbed a dog's arse in an ashtray, wiped it with baby wipes (for that nice chemical tang) then set fire to it.

I've had juice that I truly hated, that a friend loved.

So, as above, try a few totally different juices.

Go to b&m (homestores) and spend a tenner on 88vape 10mls. Or grab a load from LiQuid.

When I started the shop in town had a sample bar (still do), with a bunch of tanks filled with 0mg for testing - it's not always ideal (type of tank etc.) but it's a starting point to indicate what she might like.

Also maybe bung an unflavoured in - never know...

As for device - I'm not up to date... I use a spryte more than anything else now (cheap to buy, cheap coils, works).
Washing machine & dishwasher [emoji23][emoji23]. Joking aside, Pal II Pro would be a cheap try & get a couple of spare pods & rotate flavours easier.

Yep I think Pal 2 Pro would be a good option. The 1 ohm coil is excellent and I find it works well even as low as 10 watts.
Hi all

Ok i have read all the thread so will try not to repeat but im still half asleep.

Firstly are u sure she really wants to stop lovely? Like really sure?
Secondly, when u say she coughs is that a few pulls then she just gives up? Cause i coughed throughout my first day but after that i was good.

My 2 recommendations are always Uwell Caliburn or Artery Pal 2 or pro with hp1.0. I have a pal here in red and some coils i am happy to send u. I dont have a caliburn anymore though. To replicate that tighter pull these are what i suggest. Or of course the new voopoo air but high price as a starter imo. The vype pod pen is also good but their 18mg is too harsh. They do pods in lower nic too

I know u said salts made her cough but can u remember which one? Which mg? And which flavour?
I will stand by salts, ive had 4 friends now stop the fags with Caliburn or pal with salts, some of them coughed for the first hour or so but after all good. All started on 20mg or 12ish.

Menthol or ice i cannot tolerate at all. So what brand of cigs does she smoke exactly?

Maybe try her on something like juice head freeze, they are fruity with a hint i cool, i can tolerate them and i have partial used bottle of strawberry kiwi i can send u.

As for tobacco i have only used pacha mama ones like apple tobacco, that was nice when i first gave up.
People i assume they want tobacco but most dont actually like it.

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