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Noob diy mixing question


Sep 29, 2022
Just wondering what the success rate was like on mixing your own? I'm only really interested in making my perfect vanilla tobacco/cream tobacco or custard tobacco.

Found a few premixed that I like but would like to know how easy it is to make usable juice and how much needs to go down the sink.

I have had a look through the mixology thread and would be thinking along the lines of flavorah tobaccos.

Any advice is greatly appreciated, thanks.
I think it's A: not as difficult as you might think .. and B: more difficult than people say.

It can also be very time consuming, especially if you are aiming for your "perfect vanilla tobacco/cream tobacco or custard tobacco."

I made a lot of mistakes but you kind of have to make them to learn from them. The important one for me is not adding a load of stuff together that looks good and sounds good on paper but actually turns out revolting. That's when you end up throwing stuff away.... I'd put using other people's recipes in that camp too.

If you just want a flavour that is vapable, then that can be quite easy..... All (or maybe most) of the flavorah tobaccos are decent on their own, so that's a good start.

Then you can start adding other flavours to them to see what happens, one step at a time so you can easily back-track if it goes wrong and you add something that ruins it.

It really is quite a slow process until you really know the flavourings you have and how they taste together... and what amounts work and which don't.
I haven't chucked many mixes I've made away (and if I did it was only 10ml) ... but I've chucked A LOT of concentrates. That's the 'waste' side of it.
I think it's A: not as difficult as you might think .. and B: more difficult than people say.

It can also be very time consuming, especially if you are aiming for your "perfect vanilla tobacco/cream tobacco or custard tobacco."

I made a lot of mistakes but you kind of have to make them to learn from them. The important one for me is not adding a load of stuff together that looks good and sounds good on paper but actually turns out revolting. That's when you end up throwing stuff away.... I'd put using other people's recipes in that camp too.

If you just want a flavour that is vapable, then that can be quite easy..... All (or maybe most) of the flavorah tobaccos are decent on their own, so that's a good start.

Then you can start adding other flavours to them to see what happens, one step at a time so you can easily back-track if it goes wrong and you add something that ruins it.

It really is quite a slow process until you really know the flavourings you have and how they taste together... and what amounts work and which don't.

I've had a good chuckle this afternoon reading your tobacco lounge thread and it gave me some confidence.

I bought some premixed juice from Bestcigliquid and was pretty cheap and tasted like it. If I could make something like that with a bit more oomph I'd be happy. Just a decent tobacco with vanilla or coconut, that's always a winner for me.

Just thinking I'd start small and simple. Thought I'd ask here first before explaining to the wife why I'm fucking around with "vape stuff" and chucking more money away. There's so many shitty juices out there, maybe I could add mine :18:
my perfect vanilla tobacco/cream tobacco or custard tobacco.

these can be quite easy to do if you keep it simple and don’t overcomplicate things. flavorah tobaccos are the way to go. especially red burley and aged tobacco. get some good desert concentrates. i like to use FLV cream, INW horned toffee, custard, creme brulee. FA custard, butterscotch. these are just what i have lying about.

get a nice tobacco background and then build from there. it could be as simple as 0.5% red burley. add 1% INW creme brulee and some smoked plum and you could be there already. but start by creating your base, mix a big bottle and be happy puffing that meanwhile pouring 10ml out into a wee bottle and adding a drop of something here and there.

that way you’ll be happy with what you have to puff and you’ll also be happy with what you come up with on the journey.
you want to have a few basic combinations that can sit underneath other things you like, such as the coconut you mention.

it can be quite interesting if you have the spare time. these days i usually just puff single flavours or at most blends of two, as it tastes alright with a beer and life is too hectic atm.
Thanks guys, great advice as usual. The flavorah thread was a helpful find too. I don't want to overcomplicate things. Just a good adv or two.
This is as good as anything from the Flv tobacco range, i dont get much of the brown sugar or vanilla but you can add any vanilla, or cream to it, it's sensational. Start at maybe 1% , be aware that the longer you steep, weeks > months it becomes a very strong tasting tobacco, and it has that woody taste, amazing and potent.


you want to have a few basic combinations that can sit underneath other things you like, such as the coconut you mention.

it can be quite interesting if you have the spare time. these days i usually just puff single flavours or at most blends of two, as it tastes alright with a beer and life is too hectic atm.

Yeah I want something rich and smoky enough but not too ashy. And not taste like a fresh pack of baccy either. And I have some straight coconut and vanilla juices to mix into things now as it is.
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