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Apr 18, 2014
Could the incoming bans and regulations actually be good for the forum?
I can see lots of folk looking for help to carry on vaping.
From mixing their own juice, to making the move away from disposables, to other ways of vaping.
Just a thought.
Disposable makers will just add recharging and replaceable pods to them with the same juice so job done . More problematic would be flavour restrictions but mixing your own juice is a very niche market so not sure many who haven't already will go down that route.
Its a funny one as there are usually anything from 20 to 40 members signed in but the forum is slow
Disposable makers will just add recharging and replaceable pods to them with the same juice so job done . More problematic would be flavour restrictions but mixing your own juice is a very niche market so not sure many who haven't already will go down that route.
I never thought I would get into mixing but, notwithstanding the impact that a flavour ban may have, I learnt this week that two (or my four) favourite juices have been discontinued ☹️, so I’ve started looking at likely recipes to replicate the flavours already.
I think the DIY mixing threads and related questions will increase in the event of flavour restrictions but I doubt any vaping restrictions will be good for the forum, or vaping, in the longer term. The more vaping is restricted and taxed the less incentive there is for people to change.

On a personal note if my only options are tobacco or menthol I'll be trying to vape VG/PG and nic, if I can't stick with unflavoured juice quit or going back to smoking. I have managed to make a good custard juice in the past, but I find pretty much any custard/desert flavour a bit sickly after an hour or two. I've pretty much vaped nothing but fruit flavours for the last 6 years but never managed to make any DIY concoctions that came remotely close to commercial liquids - most were either flavourless, completely dry tasting or simply awful.
I think the DIY mixing threads and related questions will increase in the event of flavour restrictions but I doubt any vaping restrictions will be good for the forum, or vaping, in the longer term. The more vaping is restricted and taxed the less incentive there is for people to change.

On a personal note if my only options are tobacco or menthol I'll be trying to vape VG/PG and nic, if I can't stick with unflavoured juice quit or going back to smoking. I have managed to make a good custard juice in the past, but I find pretty much any custard/desert flavour a bit sickly after an hour or two. I've pretty much vaped nothing but fruit flavours for the last 6 years but never managed to make any DIY concoctions that came remotely close to commercial liquids - most were either flavourless, completely dry tasting or simply awful.
You can make good fruit DIY but most of the recipes out there are all far too weak to come close to commercial juices. There seems to be a trail of thought in the DIY community that you have to stay quite low and have percentages like 1.75% mixed in with 2% or the like. I've been slowly increasing the percentages of some of mine and there are pitfalls, like where a concentrate that's good low has off flavours when you punt it higher.

For me it's about finding those concentrates that go well at a higher percentage, usually the super concentrated ones at 3 or 4 % instead of 1% or 0.5%. Sometimes it's just using a Capella or TFA concentrate at 6 or 7% instead of 3%.

I make to my own tastes and what I like might be stinking to you but I am slowly getting there as I use my missus as a barometer. She hates DIY juice, it's all too weak for her. I made one last week that she thought I'd bought. I was so happy.
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