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A little help with TC please


Aug 5, 2015
Hello fellow vapers...

What's the best wire to use for TC on my snow wolf... I want dual cool set up that's above 0.1 ohm... I have 32 and 28 awg ni200... Can someone recommend a good build please as it's hard to get a build to work please... Any info welcome
Thank you so
Much guys....

Also if I need to get better wire let me know x
Thank you again x
The snow wolf will go down to 0.05 iirc.
I use around 5 or 6 spaced wraps of 28 awg tempered nickel from stealthvape most of my tanks which seems to work great, as good as any kanthal build in my opinion.

I've yet to find a decent build that works well in a dripper the same as kanthal.
Get as many wraps per coil as you can, i use 9-10 wraps of 28g slightly spaced.

Two post RDA's like the Velocity are ideal for NI because of the space needed to run long coils.
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