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Another cellucotton convert


Jul 18, 2012
I will admit I'm not a regular coil builder but every now and again I'll sit down and have a play. Recently moved house and to be honest my various aero tanks have done the job just fine whilst my RBA s were packed away

Having read about the cellucotton my interest piqued and so finding a couple of hours to myself and having got some of the stuff off fleabay I rebuilt my Quasar, Kayfun Lite and a nature vape mini.

I have to say the stuff is a dream to work with. Like most folks I'm a fan of the micro coil and cotton wick combo but often find getting the right amount of cotton through that coil frustrating. Too little and it can flood. Too much and it 'chokes' the wicking process. There is just something about that ball of wool that makes it a pain. My experience anyhow.

The rayon cellucotton is different in that it is stranded. And in lines. Hard to explain but SOOO much easier to fashion into a nice even thread. Anyhow just thought I'd share that. So far no wicking issues and flavour is spot on.

I got mine here Graham's CelluCotton, 100% Rayon Fiber, Cellu Cotton 10 Feet Vaping Wick 44040 | eBayView attachment 30274View attachment 30275
Iam waiting on one of my drunkin weekend buys i ordered 15metres of the stuff lol
I was in need of cotton, but because you said this was the most amazing thing ever, the future of my rebuildables wicking is now dependent on your word.

No pressure. I know where you live.
I wanted to try something other than cotton as well, and you've just convinced me ! So that's me ordered some too!

Sent from my HTC One mini using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
I've been tempted to get some since I saw pbusardo do that wick comparison last week. Your link made me buy some.
So tempted, it sounds fab. But 10 feet!?! That's a lot of kayfuns!!

Although...I suppose if I had more rebuildables I would use it up quicker :D

@Mark yeah joint winners were the rayon and Japanese cotton.
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Bloody hell, I've only just caught up with voodoo wool and now you're saying this stuff is the dogs danglies! When will it end!!!!!!!!!! :D
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