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Another cellucotton convert

Great thread, thanks to everyone for their input as I've learnt a fair bit.

Got my annual bonus due Thursday and will be treating myself my first RBA as I really like the cotton wick in my Nature Vape Midi Pro but want a bigger tank for my evic s, after a lot of research have decided on a Kayfun Lite Plus v2 from Cloud 9 Vaping :)

Had seenPBusardo's video on wicks and really liked the idea of the Koh Gen Do to use for wicking but hadn't been any to find anywhere stocking it in the UK, Cloud 9 do cellulose cotton so thankfully came across this thread when looking into it. Will definitely give it a miss and go for the Muji recommended by @mxethey. Looks like the perfect solution and well worth a go for a couple of quid.

I've been watching a fair few tutorial videos for building a Kayfun with a micro coil and cotton, for those of you that are using the Muji how much do you use for your wicks compared to organic cotton? If anyone has any pics I'd be very grateful.
I finally did it. The Box would not fit in my shopping bag rayon.jpg
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