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Another cellucotton convert

Just ordered some too

Sent from my GT-I9305 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
I has 20 metres coming to play with (after I watched the PBusardo vid and drew a blank on the Japanese cotton)

I want to rewick my Erlkonigin with something that I can use more wick in and this sounded ideal.

If it's as good as people say it is I might well add it to my site in 5m lengths.

If anyone wants to play with some soon, come and see me at VapeFest, assuming my 20m turns up in time I'll bring it with me and will supply any POTV ape with some free samples. :) (until I run out)
Just popped some this in one my pt2 heads instead of cotton and wow what an improvement not only in flavour but in vapour to. Defo adding this to my must get list for payday.
Vaped a Kayfun tank full of Manabush Coyote without a single wicking issue. Flavoursome and nice chewy vapour. A hit for me. Hope it works for you lot :)
Ordered tons of the stuff lol

Yep, Mark you had me at Cellucotton anyways - ordered loads in, agree with what a lot of peeps have said about organic cotton and it does take a while for the juice to bed in - let's see how it goes xx MK
Might be rayon beginners luck, but the squape has now entered a world of f me thats rather good.
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