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Another cellucotton convert

Finally got 15ft my order through today and stuck some straight in my Tobh and Plumeveil, Plumeveils at .18 ohms on big ass .4 wire and the tobh is at .6 on regular .32 wire

All I can say is wow, I'm tasting notes I've never tasted before and everything is so god damn crisp, some of my juices I've tried so far taste more realistic than ever before. You no longer get that damp hint of wet dog anymore, of maybe that was just because of the organic cotton I was using, but I never even noticed the doggy taste on organic cotton it till I tried this Rayon stuff earlier.
Yet to put any in my tanks though, waiting till I've burned through the juice I have left in them.

Big fan, big convert, just ordered 15 meters of the stuff.
ive had this stuff for a week now, got 15 metres for £3.50 all in on a charity buy last week.

firstly as mark said it is so easy to work with and im on the same wick now for 6 days!!!....so it wicks lovely and has far superior longevity....currently using in a nature vape 1.4 ohm microcoil and its just made everything so simple now :)

the best thing is consistency in taste on every vape over that 6 day period...so its a def winner for me :)

ive got to admit i was tempted to get more and do a free pass round again but that seemed to take an age to get round and fell on its arse :(
ive had this stuff for a week now, got 15 metres for £3.50 all in on a charity buy last week.

firstly as mark said it is so easy to work with and im on the same wick now for 6 days!!!....so it wicks lovely and has far superior longevity....currently using in a nature vape 1.4 ohm microcoil and its just made everything so simple now :)

the best thing is consistency in taste on every vape over that 6 day period...so its a def winner for me :)

ive got to admit i was tempted to get more and do a free pass round again but that seemed to take an age to get round and fell on its arse :(

Ive just ordered 15 metres of the stuff so will share a bit around with a few of my forum buddies ;)

Sent From My Galaxy S4
Been using it for a week or 2 and am truly surprised at the difference in flavour. I quit using cotton wool as dry hits were nearly fatal(or felt like it)and started using voodoo wool as it allowed dry burning to get rid of the remaining juice and had barely any effect on the taste. Now I'm using this cellu-cotton, the voodoo wool is tasting like silica lol.

posted by an unauthorised idiot :P
I've now fallen out with squape and cellu, too much too little.
Beer o'clock and round two tomorrow.
2 bastard days to get it working in in the squape r.
Just as I type it leaks.
I'm going to use the remaining few feet as a tail at vapefest.
not sounding good stuff then mine is still on its way ill try it in a kayfun first if it ever gets here
I'm (im)patiently waiting for my order to arrive from 8bitvape. Damn this forum and all its new ideas...
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