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Another cellucotton convert

Got some and a Veritas today. So much better than cotton, i think cotton either makes it taste like cotton, or it gets burnt and tastes like shit, and it can't hack wicking thick juice ( or I'm shit at making wicks with it, which is a strong possibility. )
Rayon wicks perfectly even with my 90%ish VG DIY juice, and while you still get a funky taste when its getting near dry it doesn't seem to burn instantly like cotton, so the funky taste doesn't linger.

Thank you OP for showing me the light and where to get some :P

Veritas clone is amazing can get them here if anyone after one:


can't really see how the original could be any different/ better with this design.
the juice well on it puts my TOBH to shame lol
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Hopefully it's comes soon @coldo it's says mine was on way a few days ago I did get a message from him saying it would be a couple of days late right enough shit waiting on stuff your wanting too try :woot:
quite happy with cotton wicks in the kayfun just now,just want to see if it is any better,suicide bunny's mother's milk ain't got any complaint's from me just now,postie dropped it to me at half 11 to day and i have already caned around 7ml :drool:
quite happy with cotton wicks in the kayfun just now,just want to see if it is any better,suicide bunny's mother's milk ain't got any complaint's from me just now,postie dropped it to me at half 11 to day and i have already caned around 7ml :drool:

Lol I am the same mate cotton in kayfun and I am a happy man went over to the forge yesterday and got a few bottles of juice 100% vg to try apple cider and a couple or after 8 flavourd ones I tried the after 8 one over there and quite liked it but I don't know maybe the one I tried had steeped for a wee while longer. The one I tried tonight just doesn't taste the same . I ended up coming back with a king clone mod as well opened up the box when I got home and it had trustfire batteries in it and one of them had the skin peeled off it . I think they are fake as well it was a diamond mist clone never heard of it before . I have heard of diamond mist juice before . I have not used it yet as it's going back to him tomorrow . The guy I got it from is a Gent such a nice guy to deal with called him today and he was brand new the same as yesterday when I was just about to leave he gave me a couple of bottles of juice to try for free . Gutted about the mod cause it seemed quite good quality well the mod not the snide batteries . Another impulse buy that I don't need what's wrong with me lol:wanker:
First build with rayon, not convinced.

Prefer the taste of cotton, find cotton easier too work with but christ this stuff wicks, I put a drop on the wick to glue it down to the deck and it slurped it in in less than a second

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Been using it for a week or 2 and am truly surprised at the difference in flavour. I quit using cotton wool as dry hits were nearly fatal(or felt like it)and started using voodoo wool as it allowed dry burning to get rid of the remaining juice and had barely any effect on the taste. Now I'm using this cellu-cotton, the voodoo wool is tasting like silica lol.

posted by an unauthorised idiot :P

Got my cellucotton this morning (well Saturday now), and it's much easier to wick than organic cotton wool, it has that funny feel to it though, can't describe it other than "nails down a blackboard" for those old enough to remember blackboard, but love it, juice soaked in very easily, took me about 4 hits before the flavour came through, but when it did, yep, truly impressed, which I'm really glad about having bought enough to reach to the moon!!! lol xx MK
Got mine this morning too ...it looks like the stuff out of duvet or the old snorkle jacket but wicks realy quick though
How long does this take to break in? It's got a taste I don't like at all. It's wicking great so far but I'd rather it didn't as my custard tastes decidedly off.

Didn't take long at all for mine to bed in, (teaching granny how to suck eggs here so please don't think I'm patronising you), have you changed voltage/wattage etc, are you using a dripper or a tank? x I was a bit unsure at first because my flavour tasted a bit odd, but as I said before it took about 4 vapes (good hard ones lol) and then it just came through BANG! XX
Didn't take long at all for mine to bed in, (teaching granny how to suck eggs here so please don't think I'm patronising you), have you changed voltage/wattage etc, are you using a dripper or a tank? x I was a bit unsure at first because my flavour tasted a bit odd, but as I said before it took about 4 vapes (good hard ones lol) and then it just came through BANG! XX

Full tank of custard through my Kayfun and still tasted funny, kinda nasal. Nothing is different apart from the wick, microcoil is the one I made last night, juice is the same same and it's on my Nemesis. Maybe it's just not for me ;)
Lol I am the same mate cotton in kayfun and I am a happy man went over to the forge yesterday and got a few bottles of juice 100% vg to try apple cider and a couple or after 8 flavourd ones I tried the after 8 one over there and quite liked it but I don't know maybe the one I tried had steeped for a wee while longer. The one I tried tonight just doesn't taste the same . I ended up coming back with a king clone mod as well opened up the box when I got home and it had trustfire batteries in it and one of them had the skin peeled off it . I think they are fake as well it was a diamond mist clone never heard of it before . I have heard of diamond mist juice before . I have not used it yet as it's going back to him tomorrow . The guy I got it from is a Gent such a nice guy to deal with called him today and he was brand new the same as yesterday when I was just about to leave he gave me a couple of bottles of juice to try for free . Gutted about the mod cause it seemed quite good quality well the mod not the snide batteries . Another impulse buy that I don't need what's wrong with me lol:wanker:

Nothing wrong with you, we all want to try different things, that's what's ace about this market - also you've just given some enlightening info that others will trust so kudos to you xx MK
just an update the heron is working great on the rayon the kayfun is a different matter seems to over wick tried 2 builds so far 1st the same as i do with cotton 2nd used alot more rayon but both seem to flood when tank when it is about 1/2 full where as you can empty the tank when on cotton i have now wicked a spheroid with rayon and that works as good as the heron both with filler in must try the heron with no filler and see how that goes
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