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Be Careful when Drilling.. Warning Graphic Image

Geezus, a woman driving one-handed. The mind boggles!! Must have been an auto.

How the hell could she do her hair or put her make-up on?
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I think I'd have wailed and bawled at my OH to come home from work and take me to hospital!
looks fake, the drill bit will tear the flesh ( ive seen drill bit wounds before ) and the exit hole in this looks far to clean and smooth and you can see the image is blurred and softened around where the drill comes out. def been photoshopped
Its a mobile phone pic, not known for the best of quality...
I dont know about the ripping the skin thing up... ive seen an injury like this with a much bigger drill bit... it wasnt all gnarly and tore up so I think if it was going fast enough and she was applying enough pressure, this could have happened quite easily
Whatever the image is be it real or fake this is still a reminder of what can happen, me personally would never attempt to drill something while holding it and use a vice in stead, you can pic them up cheap enough these days :)
HSS drill bits will do exactly the same as above, it only rips if you have the hammer function on, trust me I know ;)

Just goes to show, females and power tools do NOT go together, stick to your irons & hoovers, ladies :D :lol1:
I think it's a remarkably clear pic considering it's a one-handed shot from someone whom I suspect must have been shaking with shock.
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