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Can I empty a carto?


Jan 30, 2013
Hi All, am doing very well with my vaping , am using 80/20 vg/pg and am having no side effects, not as I did with the 100% pg. I haven't had an analogue cig in 10 days now! :yahoo:
Now my question: I still have 6 brand new carts here prefilled with 12mg pg tobacco flavour from my first order. I'm very allergic to pg and was wondering if there's any way I could "empty" the carts and refill them with vg juice. It would be a shame and a waste to just throw them away.
Thanks for any advice!

Hiya Oma, it's unlikely that you'll be able to get all of the juice out of a carto. You could try taking the end bung out, placing the "connector" end into a wad of kitchen roll and blowing through the carto - that may shift a bit of it. Otherwise - why not offer them up in the classifieds as a "swap" for some un-filled ones, someone might be interested, and it would save you chucking them? :D
Hi All, am doing very well with my vaping , am using 80/20 vg/pg and am having no side effects, not as I did with the 100% pg. I haven't had an analogue cig in 10 days now! :yahoo:
Now my question: I still have 6 brand new carts here prefilled with 12mg pg tobacco flavour from my first order. I'm very allergic to pg and was wondering if there's any way I could "empty" the carts and refill them with vg juice. It would be a shame and a waste to just throw them away.
Thanks for any advice!


You can do this but they might not preform as well and you will have to wait some time for them to dry.

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I have cleaned out a boge a few times, boil some water in the kettle and place the water and carto in a cup. Let it soak a while take it out and blow it through then stick it on the radiator to dry out. Is OK if your sticking to the same sort of flavours as some juices leave a residual taste behind. Hope this helps :)
Thanks for your prompt answers! Is boiling them really a good idea? Doesn't that kill them off? And the method in the you tube film - thanks KulrMeStoopid - the amount of energy that guy used to clean his carts is probably more expensive than buying new ones! I think I'll try soaking a few in boiling water - thanks jimsie33 - and if that's not successful, I'll try the swap thread - Thx Ethelking.

Oma, as an idea, we have a members swap section in the classifieds, you could always give that a go, even if you don't have anything specific in mind that you want for them, you could take a chance to see what people may offer, being aware though, that they may not.

Edit: Oh well, I'll get my coat...read everything above you, people! Gahhh!
Vapeescape once sold a little gadget called the Griz Whizz I think. Kind of a plastic tube with string attached. The idea was if you didn't like your juice this thing would empty it when you swung it round quickly. Centrifugal force would force the juice out of the bottom and down into the tube. I can't see them on the site now. Ingenious idea I guess but maybe not much of a market for it.
You could always just hold the carto and swing your arm round like a deranged windmill on speed and see if that works

or you could listen to the more sensible suggestions ;)
Mark's suggestion is a good one.
That's what you normally use for the taryn spin method, which is a way to quickly fill cartos, but it can be used to empty them too.
Secure a string to the carto, and put on the extremity a carto silicon sleeve, to collect the liquid.
The spin it for a few minutes in circles.

A pen pouch with strings or something similar works really well for that, but just securing two string with a turn of tape will do the job well.
Not sure if you'll manage to remove 100% of the liquid though.
And please video and post yourself doing the above, not to help others just to satisfy my twisted sense of humour.
And please video and post yourself doing the above, not to help others just to satisfy my twisted sense of humour.

I guess if have not been vaping for a while you can't appreciate the beauty of the system :P
If you google taryn spin you'll find plenty entertainment, also considering that, in line with the general trend with vaping videos, they are 15 minutes apiece :D
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