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Decided to give TC another try.


Mar 23, 2020
Just put a Ni200 build in my Ripley and am giving TC another go, i was just going to use replay but decided to go the full TC Route. I am quite enjoying it at the minute and flavour seems pretty much spot on. I was a bit worried about using Nickel after reading some bad things about how it affects people but i still seem ok with it, no ill effects.
Just put a Ni200 build in my Ripley and am giving TC another go, i was just going to use replay but decided to go the full TC Route. I am quite enjoying it at the minute and flavour seems pretty much spot on. I was a bit worried about using Nickel after reading some bad things about how it affects people but i still seem ok with it, no ill effects.
I've got a few DNA mods on the go, and i gave up TC when Replay came in. I coudn't better the vape that it gave me, and it was so simple to use.
I've got a few DNA mods on the go, and i gave up TC when Replay came in. I coudn't better the vape that it gave me, and it was so simple to use.

I have tried TC before with SS but i just didn't get a decent vape from it, it was a while back when i was kind of new to vaping plus i was vaping mainly DTL back then so not sure if that had anything to do with it. Seems much better vaping MTL TC. I have been thinking of trying Mesh on TC, a few guys on the Evolv forum said it works really well but i was told on here a while back that mesh isn't any good for TC. Who to believe is the question now, might still give it a whirl.
It's all I do, any questions, just holler :)
I have tried TC before with SS but i just didn't get a decent vape from it, it was a while back when i was kind of new to vaping plus i was vaping mainly DTL back then so not sure if that had anything to do with it. Seems much better vaping MTL TC. I have been thinking of trying Mesh on TC, a few guys on the Evolv forum said it works really well but i was told on here a while back that mesh isn't any good for TC. Who to believe is the question now, might still give it a whirl.
Tried ni200 and Ti. Oh and nife30

Ni200 gave me proper grief (possible nickel allergy)
Ti was MEH
Can't remember why but couldn't get on with nife 30

Tried ss316 and love it ...
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Never seen NiFe for sale for don't think and don't fancy Titanium, I am happy with Ni200 so far and have some SS 316 in case anything changes, Thanks @John R i know your a big TC Fan so would most likely ask you first anyway.
TCR of NiFe30 from them is 500
Resistherm from Dicodes is 320
For some reason i still struggle with lining up the Ripley Top Cap, I have it right atm till next time i fill up. I might have to mark it somehow without ruining the look of it. It's a brilliant RTA so worth a bit of hassle but i do get angry with myself lol. Spitting Feathers earlier, good job i live alone.
I have tried TC before with SS but i just didn't get a decent vape from it, it was a while back when i was kind of new to vaping plus i was vaping mainly DTL back then so not sure if that had anything to do with it. Seems much better vaping MTL TC. I have been thinking of trying Mesh on TC, a few guys on the Evolv forum said it works really well but i was told on here a while back that mesh isn't any good for TC. Who to believe is the question now, might still give it a whirl.
Thought I remembered someone made a mesh for tc:

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