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Did you go out today?

Just been to chemist and tesco. Pretty speechless. Can't quite believe just how many cars were on the road. If you didn't already know what was going on you could quite easily be forgiven for thinking it was just an ordinary day.

Haven't had to queue outside tesco on either of my last 3 visits. I did today but only for a few minutes. They had someone on the door telling people to follow the arrows and the store isles were all one way. Was already like it but this time they were making sure people followed it. My last visit people were going any which way they liked.

On my way home I passed One Stop. It's only a small one. A dozen cars in the car park! Nobody queuing outside waiting to go it. Unbelievable.

More and more people are acting as if the lock down is over or the rules don't include them. I'm trying really hard not to wantonly swear but I really can't think of any other word that's more appropriate to describe these thundercunts. :12:
It's the same here, the roads are busier, the streets are busier and loads of people are behaving like nothing is going on. I've only been to my local shop today for essentials like milk and bread but even then people are stood having chats very close to each other, so many more people out and about. I'm very concerned at the moment but I'm keeping to my regime of cleaning everything, quarantining packages, wearing gloves, mask and washing my hands all the time and only going out when absolutely necessary. I am keeping my household safe and those people ignoring the lockdown can go fuck themselves, utter pricks.
After putting it off for 4 weeks I finally took some much needed (food) supplies to my daughter, my grandson and his dad. 35 mile round motorbike trip at 8 am, loads of traffic, but I'm part of it as well, so maybe I cant pass judgement.

A nice pic arrived later, my grandson with his newly delivered truck, as I didn't see him, or my daughter. Very weird, visiting, but not visiting, and not seeing or speaking.

After putting it off for 4 weeks I finally took some much needed (food) supplies to my daughter, my grandson and his dad. 35 mile round motorbike trip at 8 am, loads of traffic, but I'm part of it as well, so maybe I cant pass judgement.

A nice pic arrived later, my grandson with his newly delivered truck, as I didn't see him, or my daughter. Very weird, visiting, but not visiting, and not seeing or speaking.

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If he's anything like our binmen you'll hardly see him...lol
I never go out but live next to a main road and i have noticed a lot more cars than normal.
Agreed. I'm supposed to be temporarily working from the depot in my home town, but due to a shortage of coaches at the Leeds one, I had to drive through to train another influx of agency staff. Traffic was nearly at normal levels, and while stopped at some temporary traffic lights, outside a small chip shop, I saw 4 punters go in (separately) and queue as if no lock down or social distancing ever existed. No signage regarding social distancing in the chippy that I could see either [emoji36]

Sadly these selfish cunts probably won't die of CV, but put some innocent vulnerable family member or friend at risk instead [emoji36]
@tootingyoda Leeds boy here, you probably noticed that with the Avatar...doh.

I noticed ages ago, favourite player? Peter Lorimer for me, and a mention for Lee Bowyer, who I saw develop in 95/96, when I had a season ticket at Charlton Athletic, a nutter, but so technically gifted, and could run all day.
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