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Did you go out today?

yep i went today for the first time in 2 weeks went to aldi & sainsburys & got soaked but could not care less & off out tomorrow to the tip to get rid of our old sofa..
yep i went today for the first time in 2 weeks went to aldi & sainsburys & got soaked but could not care less & off out tomorrow to the tip to get rid of our old sofa..

Glad you're out of the woods now
went to the tip today after DFS dropped of new sofa this morning, gets to the tip & some chav in high viz shouts bulky waist & im like Oi ya cunt im nowhere near as fat as you ;)
Been a busy old day for me.
First off went ToolStation for an oil filled radiator, and 30 metres of rope.
Next to my favourite corner shop for some booze.
Then on to Sainsbury's.
Finally to the local pub.
Been a busy old day for me.
First off went ToolStation for an oil filled radiator, and 30 metres of rope.
Next to my favourite corner shop for some booze.
Then on to Sainsbury's.
Finally to the local pub.

Please don't do it, things will improve :D
I nipped into a local hardware shop on the way to the bus stop. After much faffing about, the guy finally found a box of radiator keys under a load of other bits, so I bought one then legged it to catch my bus. The bus took me on that treacherous journey over the border from Wales into England, so second mission successfully completed!

I felt kind of sad in work, it was my last shift for a while. Customers asking whether we’re closing, plenty of people stocking up on books to occupy themselves with though, it was busy. I did my shelving, then spent some time deleting old emails, ‘cos no other fucker does it, and the ‘your mailbox is almost full’ message irritates me :8: Then I tidied, faffed about, and just looked busy whilst deciding what books I want to buy next :13: There you have it, an exciting day in the life of Leni o_O

Edit: And I bought Pringles on the way home, ‘cos... well, why the fuck not?
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I nipped into a local hardware shop on the way to the bus stop. After much faffing about, the guy finally found a box of radiator keys under a load of other bits, so I bought one then legged it to catch my bus. The bus took me on that treacherous journey over the border from Wales into England, so second mission successfully completed!

I felt kind of sad in work, it was my last shift for a while. Customers asking whether we’re closing, plenty of people stocking up on books to occupy themselves with though, it was busy. I did my shelving, then spent some time deleting old emails, ‘cos no other fucker does it, and the ‘your mailbox is almost full’ message irritates me :8: Then I tidied, faffed about, and just looked busy whilst deciding what books I want to buy next :13: There you have it, an exciting day in the life of Leni o_O

Edit: And I bought Pringles on the way home, ‘cos... well, why the fuck not?

Am sad for you Leni. I don't think my days are any more exciting than yours tbh.
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