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Do you use certain tanks for certain juices?

Thanks for the answers guys. This is some great info!
It just goes to show the amount of variation and personal preferences that are out there.

I haven't gotten into rdas at all yet, I've always thought that it'd be too much effort; having to drip it every two minutes, that's about all I know about them. But this sounds like a great excuse for me to get one.
Shinyitis strikes again!
To be honest I don't use the RDA's outside of the home very often. My day-to-day RTA's are the engine v2's, they're as close to leak proof as I've found and produce good flavour across a wide range of liquids.
To be honest I don't use the RDA's outside of the home very often. My day-to-day RTA's are the engine v2's, they're as close to leak proof as I've found and produce good flavour across a wide range of liquids.

The only practical use for RDA’s for me is through squonking but I am not a fan of either so better ask someone else.
Some tanks favour different flavour profiles, but since getting my Kayfun Lite 2019 it seems to do all flavours well.
To be honest I don't use the RDA's outside of the home very often. My day-to-day RTA's are the engine v2's, they're as close to leak proof as I've found and produce good flavour across a wide range of liquids.

Some tanks favour different flavour profiles, but since getting my Kayfun Lite 2019 it seems to do all flavours well.

Hmm.. Some more recommendations to go on my list then!
I got the Lotus and the Aqua Master v2 today (for about £10 each) , and I also have an rta deck for the Prince on the way, so I suppose I'll have to wait a few more days to buy any new tanks!
The Aqua seems fine, but I haven't tested the Lotus yet. Might throw a build together later, or tomorrow..
I think my favourite, and most consistent, tank so far has been the Juggerknot. I think it's a clone, but it's perfectly fine.
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