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Dragons Rise Vapers sure worth a look

My Glazed Doughnuts is still unvapable after over a month. Just a really foul fatty taste I'm afraid.
I tried the Raspberry Ripple and Blueberry Muffin again yesterday after a weeks steep. They both still taste of soap, but much better than when they first arrived.
Dragons rise have informed me they have changed the doughnuts recipe but I haven't seen any info about that on the website and I have to say I'm a bit hesitant to pay for another 100mls of lard.
Have you tried rejuiced you doughnut. Nice. Tastes like freshly cooked doughnuts. And gets better with steeping. It's my,go to.
Will do mate love me a doughnut on the other hand ive been in love with cotswolds custard doughnut tastes just like them ones from the supermarket, ive still got 300ml of 0mg CC to go through till yet. Anyone know how much Nic id have to put in that to make 3mg or there abouts my nic is vg based.
strange as mine was good to go as soon as i got it.
did you contact them about the issue.

just thought. what was you using a tank or dripper.
quite a few people have said certain flavors were no good using a dripper but lovely in tanks.

Nope, cant be arsed if im honest.

Dripper, only use tanks once in a blue moon
The dragons rise thread is gone, anyone know what happened? I presume it's because they are getting their own thread in the vendors board?
The dragons rise thread is gone, anyone know what happened? I presume it's because they are getting their own thread in the vendors board?
I was going to ask I know he was getting some grief in some posts like only having a po box and some I'd just say rude comments about his juice I'd be surprised if he just closed it himself.
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