I tell you one thing, theres a lot of trolls wading in with the 'If EFVI aren't allowed then I'm not going either!!!!' ...
When in reality they had no intention of going anyway.
God bless the internet, and all the keyboard warriors who sail on her ...
That works for 'both sides' I am afraid, and the biggest warrior I saw when this was kicking off were those from apparently the head man himself!
To exude that type of attitude, sadly there was going to be a backlash. I know of at least a handful of people that WERE going, who have now decided against it, and I am gutted that they feel like that, but can totally understand their reason, for this alone the excitement of meeting some people that I have come to respect and call friends, has taken some tarnish off of the day. Others are going, but wont spend any money on vaping gear, and if it was not for this awesome forum, then I would probably stick my fingers up as well. This is from someone who has regularly done 400 mile round trips in one day to attend vapemeets.
If a statement had been made, where answers were clear and concise to peoples concerns, then I really do believe that it would not of come to this. I do NOT advocate any bullying and harrasment of vendors, because there are people that are stuck in the middle.
I do NOT think for one minute that the organisers expected such an emotional and strong backlash to this, and thus handled it completely unprofessionally and pathetically.
Now I have already said, the decision for me will be one of what apparel I wear, and that will be down to the decision of the organisers, because I really wont stand back, we have a right to do everything in our power to defend our right to vape, not only now, but for future generations to come.
There are definitely two camps of people divided as to who is to blame, I have my opinions, but just hope that a amicable resolution can be found, so we can get back to looking forward to what should be the flagship UK event of the year.