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EVOD coil help please

I always found evods and protanks to be a bit shit, cotton wool rebuilds however has changed my middle aged bitter and twisted view of life. And kanger.
Did have a burnt taste last night but went away presumably when the flavour wicks burnt out.

With the short chimney ones this would happen after a couple of weeks or the coil would just become clogged & the vapour production would drop.

This new batch 2 days.
Where can you buy this Wick from anyway ? The coil is good & I can dry burn just need to redo the flavour wicks. Cotton rebuilds what's that ?
Sorry Mostly cotton wool rebuilds. I'm using Tapatalk on my mobile & couldn't scroll back to your post. Only just getting the hang if it.
Hope myepack have shipped me some old stock short chimney coils. Not their fault but I think there's a flaw with this design or batch.

Vaping habits, battery, clearomizer & liquid unchanged now this.

What could be causing these dry burns ? At least next time I'll know I've just burnt £1.20 or 5 fags.
As an ex smoker I always translate cost into fag equivalent. Am I alone ?
The little chimney stack, if you wriggle it with a pair of pliers, it comes off, below that is the coil and the flavour wicks. Replace them with about half a normal wick and put the chimney back on. Wicks can be bought online. They are cheap. (I got 10cm off a friend).

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
I think the dry burns come from the flavour wicks burning to smitherens

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
Most definately look into rebuilding your own. An Evod with about a 1.3-1.6 ohm coil and cotton is a hell of a vape for sugh a small cheap atty.
Most definately look into rebuilding your own. An Evod with about a 1.3-1.6 ohm coil and cotton is a hell of a vape for sugh a small cheap atty.

I agree. The stock coils and wicks aren't very good and since I did my first build yesterday I am getting way more flavour and vapour from my Evod.
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