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Evolves new Replay function has converted me

Not at all - it's entirely relevant considering this is a vaping forum.
I always understood and agreed with the premise but it wasn't until I first went to Cuba that it really hit me.
Speaking to a bartender about the Cuban economy he said, nobody here starves, the sun shines I have enough money for cigars and rum what else do I need.
People arrive from all over the world with worries about mortgages, car rental and sofa payments.
I don't need a car, my sofa is old and comfortable and my house doesn't leak. Everything is perfect my friend.
You don’t have to agree with - what might seem a quite radical - point of view here, but in this case I was relating this to quite serious issues around mental health. I was only really concerned about this.
You don’t have to agree with - what might seem a quite radical - point of view here, but in this case I was relating this to quite serious issues around mental health. I was only really concerned about this.
Yeah, you kind of hurled yourself into that with both feet and a big rock - try being a bit more subtle in future...
Getting back on topic, that does sound like a nice function, although my budget would never allow one [emoji17]
I always understood and agreed with the premise but it wasn't until I first went to Cuba that it really hit me.
Speaking to a bartender about the Cuban economy he said, nobody here starves, the sun shines I have enough money for cigars and rum what else do I need.
People arrive from all over the world with worries about mortgages, car rental and sofa payments.
I don't need a car, my sofa is old and comfortable and my house doesn't leak. Everything is perfect my friend.
I like that :) Except don't they have to worry about dictator stuff?
I like that :) Except don't they have to worry about dictator stuff?
I actually met so many people over there (was out there a lot for a few years) from all backgrounds including a few ex cons and although some often disagreed with fidel over various issues they where generally all fiercely protective of him and proud of the revolution and how they had survived crippling sanctions from America.
The view we have of the Cuban "dictatorship" has always been seriously scewed by the American media. As he said himself, history will absolve him.
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