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extortionate postage takes the piss

Ready and waiting for you Sir, with your choice of coffee.
I get the whole dont buy if you dont like the charges argument, but Naturevape want £7.99 to post a fucking coil.
You cant defend that. It is profiteering. Simple as that. £13.98 to get a coil delivered to me in Galway.

Vaper Caper will post you a piece of wire or 10 litres of juice... FOR FREE

Asked them,politely,why they charge so much and was told " Some items we post cost us more and other cost us less it all balances out." So basically I would be subsidising others postage costs? Absolute bollocks. Have tried to contact them on three seperate occasions aaaannnnddd they are not interested. Non exsistant customer service. Fine whatever. I learned how to make my own now. So in a weird way thanks Naturevape. No actully, Fuck You Naturevape
Thinking of investing in several of these for customer deliveries


they are a bit small for that and can't lift much, I know, I have one. But you might still be onto something. They would be able to carry something small like a rubber gasket, possibly two rubber gaskets. Might be an issue with range though. Figuring the only way to do it is to drive behind it on deliveries. Charging might also be an issue. Going to need a couple of hundred batteries to keep changing them on the journey. Not forgetting the fact it needs 2 people, one to drive the support vehicle and one to fly the drone. More importantly, I just did a rough calculation. To deliver one parcel to a local destination is going to work out in postage costs for the new air delivery service, around, and keep in mind this is just an estimate, around a minimum of 750 pounds up to around 3000 pounds. This for a single gasket. Local deliveries will take around two days, while anything countrywide may be subject to delays of up to a month. The delays being partly because of the time spent stopping and starting for charging, battery replacement, flight crew breaks, but mostly because Milla is an actress and may occasionally be called away for filming. This also affected the price structure. When penny is driving it's 750 quid for local deliveries, but for Milla it's the full 3 grand.

by the way, Milla, thanks for arranging for Gillian to come around tonight, she isn't up for the aero deliveries, but she said the threesome later was good with her, so see you around 8.
Love how this thread ended up :)

To the OP, I have a bag of 510 and vamo grommets the size of my face if you need one
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