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extortionate postage takes the piss

They're constantly losing their little satchels too

Typical of this Forum. The OP has a point. But the Bullying continues! You all should be ashamed. Why this thread hasn't been closed down I'll never know.
Typical of this Forum. The OP has a point. But the Bullying continues! You all should be ashamed. Why this thread hasn't been closed down I'll never know.

There's a button at the top right that may help you get over it. Looks like this.

I get the whole dont buy if you dont like the charges argument, but Naturevape want £7.99 to post a fucking coil.
You cant defend that. It is profiteering. Simple as that. £13.98 to get a coil delivered to me in Galway.

Vaper Caper will post you a piece of wire or 10 litres of juice... FOR FREE

Asked them,politely,why they charge so much and was told " Some items we post cost us more and other cost us less it all balances out." So basically I would be subsidising others postage costs? Absolute bollocks. Have tried to contact them on three seperate occasions aaaannnnddd they are not interested. Non exsistant customer service. Fine whatever. I learned how to make my own now. So in a weird way thanks Naturevape. No actully, Fuck You Naturevape

Get your coils from here mate - Virtual Vape Unicoil | Rewickable Microcoil | BPDC | RBA | Emow | Subtank

I stopped using Natur€vap€ a while ago.

In my opinion the company is a complete rip-off they charge £5.99 for a single coil and £2.50 in the UK to post it second class. Shameful.

Edit - Just to add to this, they charge £15.99 for the RG200 Clearomizer that you can buy from Fasttech for £4.37. And £17.99 for the Fasttech RG400 that you can buy for £5.26.
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Typical of this Forum. The OP has a point. But the Bullying continues! You all should be ashamed. Why this thread hasn't been closed down I'll never know.

Did you miss the bit where I offered free stuff to the OP?

Anything after that as far as I can tell is discussing pigeons in the light hearted way this thread has mostly progressed. Some feathers were ruffled (see what I did there) at the beginning but that was mostly a response to the tone and language used by the OP.

Cyber bullying is completely different and is as disgusting as bullying in the real world. No one is doing that, at least as far as I see but if I've somehow played a part in something I'm not aware of then I'm very sorry.

This thread will be being monitored by multiple moderators too and they don't stand for those sorts of shenanigans here
Typical of this Forum. The OP has a point. But the Bullying continues! You all should be ashamed. Why this thread hasn't been closed down I'll never know.

Right. I have been mulling over this since I saw your trollish attempted offence seeking last night.

There has been no bullying in this thread.

There have been some robust responses to set the original poster right as he chose to attack one of our preferred vendors in an open forum, rather than addressing his concerns privately to the vendor which would have resolved it anyway as there were other options available.

If you honestly think a few strong responses on a minor internet forum are bullying then you really need to get over yourself princess. I have been on the receiving end of REAL bullying in the REAL world as a child, and believe you me, this is nothing like that experience that is still with me over 20 years later.

There is much more I can say, but I don't want to end up getting in the shit.

[edit] typo
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Typical of this Forum. The OP has a point. But the Bullying continues! You all should be ashamed. Why this thread hasn't been closed down I'll never know.

Typical of this forum? Rotfl - where've you been? Take a look around the net and sample some others - we're pussy cats!
*Grabs Blademansw by the lughole and demands lunch money whilst mocking his choice of automobile*
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