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extortionate postage takes the piss

There are courses available for untwisting anyone's knicker elastic if it's all getting a bit much for them
Panter If it was deleted straight away it would have been better, yes, if thems the rules. Some of the offtopic replies are funny but I can't get involved as I'd feel like a hypocrit. I should go check out the Lounge area for some light relief from vaping talk, where all this sort of stuff should be.

It's the Mods job to know and apply the rules and members choice if they decide to read them or not (I know we're all supposed to, but who can enforce that!). If members don't and they post something outside the rules, then a Mod will come in and sort it. Seems simple enough to me.
I think Shamhal is just easily offended. He seems to cry out bullying at any discussion. Yet seems to lurk here, claim bullying and leave again.
True, but then there's an awful lot of good that's come out of it.
Personally, I like the light handed moderation on here, it's what makes it such a community IMO.
The thread shouldn't have been started, but it was, so the members stepped in to invalidate it.

As a result, the OP got to say his piece, as did a few others not to mention we've learned how to peel fruit, Gillian Anderson has picked up a few more followers and we now know that pigeons can be funny.
That's an awful lot of positive to come from a negative and shows the power that considerate moderation can have as opposed to just blocking/banning etc.

All in my (worthless) humble opinion of course!
22 pages worth of comments and my fekking postage charges are still the same! :banghead:
C'mon! Isn't the POTV forum supposed to be able to fix everything, or at least, have advise on possible fixes?
22 pages worth of comments and my fekking postage charges are still the same! :banghead:
C'mon! Isn't the POTV forum supposed to be able to fix everything, or at least, have advise on possible fixes?

Have you tried a carefully applied pigeon?
ZT Nice one, I'm pleased to see a site staff member post that so clearly here. I don't care what rules you make, they are entirely yours to make up. I'll always follow them if I decide to participate here as I respect that it is your site at the end of the day, not mine. I'm privileged to be here and therefore if I follow or don't follow the rules you have the right to do what you like with my online made up personna profile.

It's only a suggestion, because of course I have zero power here, but why not be proud of what you stated here and add the "derailment is an excellent method of deflecting conflict" to the rules section, and perhaps explain how what is/is not acceptable. Then us new members can get involved too. The derailment of this thread just felt like the long standing members here were kinda taking over the show as they seemed to know about this, hence why it may be perceived by some to be like 'bullying'. My own experience of creating administering and moderating several forums over 12 years is that I've never used this technique so I found it a bit strange. But hey every forum is different and that's cool. If you've found it to work 'excellently', then well, excellent!
Actually my bad, I found this in the forum rues:

Flame wars are silly. While you might not like how one forum or website is ran, you have a choice to NOT visit said forum or website. The majority of members at PoTV are not interested in "forum wars", "mud slinging", or calling names. Usually, if you are trying to incite this kind of negativity, it will be ignored or drowned out with jokes and laughter. Don't be surprised to see monkeys hanging from your blinds the following morning throwing bananas either. Flame wars can quickly get out of hand, threads will be locked and/or deleted that are on their way to reaching the "boiling point."

That pretty much states it, however maybe an extra note to explain that all members are welcome to get involved, even if they're new to the forum. The more apes the merrier, no?

A forum I used to visit regularly used the "delete topic" button so often that even regular visitors would fall foul of the rules as they never read the rules and also never got to see any posts that breached them. The moderator would send an email to the rule breacher telling them their post had been deleted and that was it, end of. Here, the breaches are frequently left to the members to derail and anyone else can read,discuss etc and understand that there ARE rules which exist and must be adhered to. If this thread had been opened on the forum I'm referring to, the OP would be deleted and the poster quite likely receive a ban of the permanent kind. Different methods of moderating, one leads to humour the other leads to animosity.
As the tit (troll in training) lumped everyone together in an all encompassing All Should Be Ashamed statement, I am now posting here yet again. I need to categorically state that I have bullied no one in this thread, either intentionally or unintentionally. I am offended by the very statement of 'All should be ashamed', when quite clearly ALL have nothing to be ashamed of.

However, I feel that I should further add that from here onwards, in an attempt to keep things simple for those who obviously cannot tell the difference between humour, banter and bullying, I will always add the message 'I am bullying you with this message' to the post as I write it (obviously only if I am bullying you, which is unlikely but kept in reserve in case the need ever arises, never say never eh?). For humour/banter and anything else I leave it to yourself to work out which it is.

Ps, if after all banter has been banned and humour has become the next target of upset, please remember this, when everyone else has fucked off somewhere else and the forum is all yours, don't forget to turn the lights off when you finally leave as well.


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