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extortionate postage takes the piss

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As the tit (troll in training) lumped everyone together in an all encompassing All Should Be Ashamed statement, I am now posting here yet again. I need to categorically state that I have bullied no one in this thread, either intentionally or unintentionally. I am offended by the very statement of 'All should be ashamed', when quite clearly ALL have nothing to be ashamed of.

However, I feel that I should further add that from here onwards, in an attempt to keep things simple for those who obviously cannot tell the difference between humour, banter and bullying, I will always add the message 'I am bullying you with this message' to the post as I write it (obviously only if I am bullying you, which is unlikely but kept in reserve in case the need ever arises, never say never eh?). For humour/banter and anything else I leave it to yourself to work out which it is.

Ps, if after all banter has been banned and humour has become the next target of upset, please remember this, when everyone else has fucked off somewhere else and the forum is all yours, don't forget to turn the lights off when you finally leave as well.

Is this post derailing or railing? :lol1::lol1:
23 pages and despite really asking for it, no ones been called a chunt.

Sorry, but this method works. Take your negative opinion and shove it deep into your rectum. If over moderation is your bag, there are plenty of other forums to contribute to.
Dunno if I'm being a chunt here, probably.
If I was a new member of this forum, with a post count barely in double figures, I'd be sitting back reading this thread with interest.
Maybe I'd come down on the side of the OP (bear in mind I'd be new and not have dealt with Rob before), maybe I wouldn't. Maybe I'd agree with the statement about "everyone should be ashamed", but probably not.
What I wouldn't be doing is telling the "older" members and mods how their forum should be run.
Ok, maybe I'd be questioning whether this is the forum for me, whether I liked the way the thread was going or not, but it'd be a private decision.
I REALLY don't want to come across as if I'm newbie bashing, but for feck's sake does it not occur to you that this is how the forum has been since it's inception, and those of us that are here, like it this way?
You wouldn't turn up to a party where you don't know anyone and chuck your own music on the stereo, so don't do it here please.
Just enjoy the party, make a mental note of where the bogs are and stay away from Merino-Teflon's "dip".
Dunno if I'm being a chunt here, probably.
If I was a new member of this forum, with a post count barely in double figures, I'd be sitting back reading this thread with interest.
Maybe I'd come down on the side of the OP (bear in mind I'd be new and not have dealt with Rob before), maybe I wouldn't. Maybe I'd agree with the statement about "everyone should be ashamed", but probably not.
What I wouldn't be doing is telling the "older" members and mods how their forum should be run.
Ok, maybe I'd be questioning whether this is the forum for me, whether I liked the way the thread was going or not, but it'd be a private decision.
I REALLY don't want to come across as if I'm newbie bashing, but for feck's sake does it not occur to you that this is how the forum has been since it's inception, and those of us that are here, like it this way?
You wouldn't turn up to a party where you don't know anyone and chuck your own music on the stereo, so don't do it here please.
Just enjoy the party, make a mental note of where the bogs are and stay away from Merino-Teflon's "dip".

Well said, but you raise a really important point, in that where is Merino Teflon at? He was bringing his best of the eighties cd and a couple of crates of alcopops. About time he stepped in.
Well said, but you raise a really important point, in that where is Merino Teflon at? He was bringing his best of the eighties cd and a couple of crates of alcopops. About time he stepped in.

I have a best of the 70s cd and a box of teabags - will that do?
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