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Stand bye Gary, The sign ups to all the S + M porn sites have now been done.....:) :)

Only joshing mate..:)
My experience has been that shipping takes around 5 weeks.

Quality can vary from better than the original, to unusable. It is probably best if I just tell you about my recent purchases.

Kayfun Lite+ ~ air holes full of swarf, took hours to clean. Refill screw came cross threaded. heavy burs on thread. All fixable.

Vertex ~ Screws didn't even come close to fitting. Fixed by replacing with good screws. Airholes do not line up. But it works.

Nemesis ~ Switch needed cleaning and polishing. It is crap, I will have to get a replacement switch.

Lancia ~ No two parts fitted together. Broke it for spares.

Lancia ~ It was ill fitting, fixed it with parts from the first lancia.

Stingray ~ Switch needed hours of sanding and polishing. Fixed and now perfect.

Drip tips ~ lovely!

Igo-W ~ perfect

JP-Paps ~ Top threading a bit lose but works when battery screwed in.

Veritas ~ Perfection except for screws being too rounded which were replaced for improvement.

I no longer expect anything to work out of the box, and don't expect anything soon. I also expect to spend a long time washing it. You could do what I did, which is to marry somebody who is good at fixing stuff, otherwise, about 30% would end up in the bin. However, that is still pretty cheap and worthwhile.

I really recommend getting assorted screws from a quality supplier that you can use as replacements.
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