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Fave Dual Coil Build?


Mar 22, 2015
I've got a Jakiro RDA arriving today hopefully and a Goliath in a week or two. Can anyone recommend me a build for it? Whats your preferred setup for dual coils, and the gauge of wire you tend to go for?

I've only got 28-32awg kanthal at the moment, or 24awg nichrome. I was thinking two 28awg, 2.5mm ID, 6/7 wraps for 0.6ohms. Or should I go for, 2mm ID with more wraps?

What's people's preferred choice for dual coil builds? I suppose the same builds will apply to the Goliath as well. Does anyone go thicker than 28awg for 0.5-0.8 ohms ish on dual coil builds.

I've only built singles before, and I haven't got into twisted etc yet.
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I use 26g to get a .4 dual coil - my fave spot for dripper, warm not hot, flavour seems right on a moderate air flow.

Varies dripper to dripper of course.
I've not used that RDA but I've just had a look at it and it looks like it could be good. Reduced chamber, adjustable airflow from the top so it shouldn't be a leaker. Only drawback I can see is it's not so easy to take the top off to see your coils and wick so dripping through the top and making sure those wicks stay good and wet will be the order of the day.

With those sizes available I think I'd do a 28g Claptoned with the 32g, four or five wraps around 2.5mm should come in between 0.4 and 0.5 ohm and the ramp up time should be ok for a clapton, not as quick as standard coil but I find the flavour worth it. Keep those coils as close and slightly above the airholes in that inner chamber as possible without risking a short and wick it fairly tight but not packed. Keep some space under the coils to allow air all around them too.

You haven't said what mod your intending to use it on or what battery you have but that's what I'd be going for with that.
Sorry i forgot about that, it'll be used on an iStick 50w.

Im guessing that would be just a single coil if i was doing a clapton also?
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Sorry i forgot about that, it'll be used on an iStick 50w.

Im guessing that would be just a single coil if i was doing a clapton also?

No the clapton would be a dual coil to come in around the 0.4-0.5ohm range. I can see why you'd think that though, it baffled me a bit when I first did a clapton and I still don't know why exactly it takes less wraps than you'd imagine it should. I think it's maybe to do with the thickness of the clapton compared to it's resistance. A standard 0.32mm coil around a 2.5mm bit has an outside diameter of 3.14mm where as the clapton I described would be 3.94mm. The core would also effectively wrapped around 2.9mm. It doesn't look like your Jakiro can be set up for single anyway.

A good way to start off with is to make your clapton wire and wrap your first coil to what you think it should be. It's quite springy so I tend to pull it tight on the bar you've wrapped it on then carefully slide it off while holding it in a pinch, carefully get your tweezers between your finger and thumb to get hold of either end of the coil before you let go of it and then fire it with a torch to make it stay the right demensions. I'd then temporarily fit the first coil and make sure your getting a reading of twice what you want to end up with. If it's too high remove it, put it back on your bar and pull a coil off or if it's too low add a coil. When you've got all that sorted you then start the tricky bit:11: you've got to make an identical coil so that they light up evenly.

I tend to do my builds to work well on a mech so aim for that sort of resistance even if I'm going to use it on a regulated mod initially. If your only ever going to use it on the iStick 50W it's not so crucial to hit that resistance range, even if it comes in around an ohm you'd still be able to get some power out of it. Ramp up time might suffer a bit if you go too far though as there would be more metal to heat. The other thing to think about is you want the coil to be long enough to have some good wick to coil contact area but if you go too far and the airflow doesn't hit a big chunk of the coil it's not going to do much for you.

Your initial thought, dual 28g 6/7 wraps around 2.5mm for 0.6 ohm would work and certainly be easier but if you like to tinker I do feel the flavour is worth it and you did ask for "fave dual coil build":D It's not as hard as it sounds once you've done a few either:thumbup:
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I've tried all sorts and keep coming back to 5/6 wraps of 26awg 3mm which is 0.4andabit ohm. The fancy stuff I've tried so far (double and triple twist, parallel) comes out at the right resistance but seems to be too much metal to heat up fast enough on my mechanical mods and 35w VW.

Of course fitting 3mm coils in some RTAs is fiddly.

Edit: I go 3mm rather than 2 because I'm prejudiced towards clouds and assume thicker wick means less dry hits. Am probably completely wrong :-)
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No the clapton would be a dual coil to come in around the 0.4-0.5ohm range. I can see why you'd think that though, it baffled me a bit when I first did a clapton and I still don't know why exactly it takes less wraps than you'd imagine it should.

Wow, thanks for all the info. I definitely want to get the best out of it. So I'm definitely gonna have a go. I can't seem to be able to find any decent tutorials on building claptons though (any sources? Not much on YouTube what I could find). I only started with a Lemo 2 last week as my first RBA. But needed a dripper for testing juices. But I can see myself probably using it more in the house too. I'm definitely into learning and making so I'd like to have a go. The only video I found about building claptons today, had a 3 post deck and they only used one coil in it. So I thought that is what was meant.

I did do a dual 28g build today. The kanthal I've got is wrapped around one of those plastic things it's not on a spool, so I don't know if it's weak with the kinks etc it's got in it. But I had a nightmare with it. When tightening the post screws they all kept breaking, any I was hardly tightening them. They still seemed loose up until the point they broke. Lost my patience at one point so it probably didn't help. So I would prefer to try a thicker build, don't think there's much chance of that happening with a Clapton.

Cant believe I'm attaching this pic. The scrap coils I had after id finished, embarrassing! Im sure it wasn't my fault though, I wasn't over tightening, as soon as i felt the screw bite slightly it broke.
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I've tried all sorts and keep coming back to 5/6 wraps of 26awg 3mm which is 0.4andabit ohm. The fancy stuff I've tried so far (double and triple twist, parallel) comes out at the right resistance but seems to be too much metal to heat up fast enough on my mechanical mods and 35w VW.

Of course fitting 3mm coils in some RTAs is fiddly.

Edit: I go 3mm rather than 2 because I'm prejudiced towards clouds and assume thicker wick means less dry hits. Am probably completely wrong :-)

With you all the way on that one. .4 seems so sweet, mmmm warm custard lol.

I made up some clapton the other day but have not had the chance to play with it yet. Fully intend too.

I also made up some braided 32g. Not sure why but it might be fun ay?
Have you thought about twisting your 28 guage. I use the end of a pen and a pair of pliers. ;-)

6 wraps around a 3mm bit. 0.3 ohms and dense clouds.

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I've tried all sorts and keep coming back to 5/6 wraps of 26awg 3mm which is 0.4andabit ohm. The fancy stuff I've tried so far (double and triple twist, parallel) comes out at the right resistance but seems to be too much metal to heat up fast enough on my mechanical mods and 35w VW.

Of course fitting 3mm coils in some RTAs is fiddly.

Edit: I go 3mm rather than 2 because I'm prejudiced towards clouds and assume thicker wick means less dry hits. Am probably completely wrong :-)

Thanks, intending to order new wire now after today, and the pile of coils i just posted, would prefer 26 than 28. I did want to start with 26 but didn't have any. There is some included with it, but i think its 24, gonna try that out anyway and see what i can get. I hate the build i put in it today because of the amount of sh*t it caused me lol.
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