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Flavour Ban?

no, you’ve lost the thread of the discussion.

wouldn’t know, i’ve got them on ignore :)
I think your mistaken here, I know exactly what the discussion is about as I've followed the thread. You yourself asked the question. I quote your question, if it's not nicotine then what is it? I gave you an answer which was a perfectly reasonable and justifiable response.
Speaking personally, I can only see that the government would lose out in tax by only allowing something such as menthol flavour. I don’t like menthol and I guess I’m not the only one.
Personally I couldn’t afford to go back to fags, they are already taxed to oblivion anyway.
Surely they must see that this could drive some back to fags and others who are not addicted to nicotine will simply quit.
That must equate to a shed load of lost revenue to the government?
Perhaps they may leave some loophole whereby we could still buy all the juice components and all start making our own.
I realise that there are some who already do that, maybe that’s what we will all end up doing.
There are often loopholes with things.
Look at tank capacity, you can’t buy a tank of more than 2ml capacity apparently.
But you can buy a replacement glass that gives more than that.
Just a thought.
I think your mistaken here, I know exactly what the discussion is about as I've followed the thread. You yourself asked the question. I quote your question, if it's not nicotine then what is it? I gave you an answer which was a perfectly reasonable and justifiable response.

If the addiction was purely to nicotine why do we hear stories of WW2 soldiers smoking tea leaves or prisoners shaving their blankets?

so what is it you think they are addicted to?

The act of smoking. That's why vaping is so effective because it mimics the act of smoking.


The reason we hear stories of of WW2 soldiers smoking tea leaves is because they couldn't get tobacco... agreed?

We don't know much else, we know there is a small amount of nicotine in tea leaves though, maybe they knew this.

Maybe they didn't, maybe they just wanted something to smoke to distract them from their dire situation.

If they had the ability to get nicotine pouches would they have used those and not smoked tea leaves?

We don't know. Maybe they weren't even addicted to smoking and just wanted to smoke some tea to pass the time.

I don't think we can compare our situations and choices to soldiers (or prisoners of war) choices and situations. They didn't view smoking as we do today and they didn't have access to other forms of nicotine.
if that’s the case, then why would they not just leave it as it is and levy a tax? restricting flavours would restrict the tax intake, if you believe the argument being made.
They can pretend the tax and other measures is to stop young folk vaping.
I think your mistaken here, I know exactly what the discussion is about as I've followed the thread. You yourself asked the question. I quote your question, if it's not nicotine then what is it? I gave you an answer which was a perfectly reasonable and justifiable response.

we have become confused at a certain point.

i asked vince what he thinks smokers are addicted to, if not nicotine. you replied “the act of smoking”, which i assumed you meant literally, i.e. breathing in smoke from a burning substance.

i think the main reason vaping is a very successful smoking cessation tool is that it contains nicotine which is administered in the same way as nicotine from fags. but if vapes did not contain nic they would not work for most folks imo.
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