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Fogger v5 help

Hi steffijade , that's great advice. I did notice how high the posts were so will try mounting the coils lower down. I got my kanthal order today so will give that a go with some 28awg and a lot less cotton. I'm hoping I'll get there soon. Just a pain that it's quite a work up to empty it if it's bad.
I've been having trouble getting my fogger right as well, last build I did, the vape was very warm, I prefer cool, and the throat hit was reminiscent of a throat infection I had as a kid
Haha yeah like tonsillitis lol. I might dismantle a spare protank coil cos I know they will be good then all I have to do is play with the amount of cotton
I've been trying out the V5 myself. Very nice vape, marginally better than the KF but not much in it,very tasty though it took some bedding in. Initially more flavour than vapour.

My issue is the way it pisses juice out the airflow hole when I fill it. Will try again tomorrow.

Works well though
I've been trying out the V5 myself. Very nice vape, marginally better than the KF but not much in it,very tasty though it took some bedding in. Initially more flavour than vapour.

My issue is the way it pisses juice out the airflow hole when I fill it. Will try again tomorrow.

Works well though

Hi Mark. I've not had the juice out the air holes yet but only filled it once so far ha. ive had no leaks or gargling from it either but reckon that's down to maybe using too much cotton.

What is your build? Trying to get an idea of what people have found to work? What size wire? Are you using Kanthal? How many wraps? Around what size mandrel? Ohms of each coil? Also I think juice maybe playing a big part in this as I'm vaping 18mg. I know for these builds people tend to drop the nicotine level as the vapour production is predominantly larger with a bit more of a bite. Some flavours seem harsher too. Are you using vw or mech?

Cheers in advance!
Hi Mark. I've not had the juice out the air holes yet but only filled it once so far ha. ive had no leaks or gargling from it either but reckon that's down to maybe using too much cotton.

What is your build? Trying to get an idea of what people have found to work? What size wire? Are you using Kanthal? How many wraps? Around what size mandrel? Ohms of each coil? Also I think juice maybe playing a big part in this as I'm vaping 18mg. I know for these builds people tend to drop the nicotine level as the vapour production is predominantly larger with a bit more of a bite. Some flavours seem harsher too. Are you using vw or mech?

Cheers in advance!
Ok this may not be much help. With my order from Redjuice I popped in some ready made nanno coils so I could get it up and running quickly. The 14 wraps ones. Dual coil. Comes out at about 0.7 ohms. Muji cotton wick and all built Kayfun style by feeding the cotton up through the chimney, cutting to the height of the chimney then tucking it back down.

More info on the gauge of wire in the ready mades here..

Buy Ready Made Nano Coils at RedJuice.co.uk
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