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Got fat?

In 4 weeks :11: :2thumbsup:
Yes...it was incredibly unhealthy and i almost had to go to the hospital and by the end i couldnt keep water down even and pretty much went delerious, which is really bad for someone who is already delusionally paranoid.

It had to be done tho. My docs were apalled at my method, but they approved with the results (and then told me never do that again, lol)

Edit-one of the probs was that in addition to water, i couldnt keep my medications down either, so i was essentially off them, but i am now a healthy bmi
Aside from personal reasons that r tmi to get into, when you go to a doctor with back and knee and neuropathy issues and you are overweight, they automatically assume thats the reason, despite the fact that my entire life i have weighed about 175lbs, its only the last 3 years i ballooned up to 240. Doctors just assume ive always been that weight, they overlook i was hit by a car...twice, multiple surgeries, multiple motorcycle accidents, long distance running on pavement, jobs involving heavy lifting, a smidge of bad genetics, possible rhuematoid arthritis actually im just learning...

If they had listened to me about my knees not healing right [when i fell and bashed em into the pavement a dozen times ]they may have been able to fix em in time. Really pisses me off.

Edit-altho if they had i wouldnt have eventually found the rehab doc i have now who caught all this stuff so in that sense it was a blessing in disguise
5ft 10 1/2, I've a lot to get done

Edit: that's in 3 days, of using the app

Im comin in at 25...it may be exactly on the line of overweight, but its still normal dag nab it
You cant go by them anyway, they cant take into account fat versus muscle
You cant go by them anyway, they cant take into account fat versus muscle
Yeah, it's all a rough guide, fat percentage is a far better method, the way one's clothes fit, or not, is better than scales.
Not recommended but the covid diet can shift weight, 15stone 7, a week ago, 14 12 atm, most of that is probably fluid loss.
Football not working out so well. Been sat on my arse for four weeks now due to injuries. Pretty hard to be motivated to diet when you’re in pain and immobile.
I've just worked out my BMI for the first time ever (never had the remotest interest before!) and i always thought that i am a bit on the heavy side...but not by much. But using a BMI calculator online...my 6 foot 5" lanky frame isn't enough to keep me on the slim side it seems. 16 and half stones equates to a BMI of 28...so it would appear that i'm a fatty! The damn thing of it is, as a teen, i was rake thin at a 'mere' 11 stone, giving me a broom handle look, which i hated! I actually quite like the way i look now, even if i am now sporting a 6 month pregnant look...i still prefer my body this way!! But me doctor would probably instill the fear of goodness knows how many medical risks in me, especially as it would also seem that i'm only 2 points off from being declared medically obese! Christ! :eek:

I don't look look like a fatty though! :(

Maybe..there really is a thing as 'big boned'...only that doesn't work for one's tummy does it. Ach...bugger it:confused:!
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Football not working out so well. Been sat on my arse for four weeks now due to injuries. Pretty hard to be motivated to diet when you’re in pain and immobile.

Very true, when you're doing something, you're motivated because the doing something is helping you get to your goal. I've been to the gym twice in the last 3 months & was in a spiral of eating too much crap because I was miserable. I feel terrible but reigning in the bad habits (I have to be really strict on myself but it works) & keeping up the walks is at least something

No idea what I weigh, don't want to weigh myself because I just know it'll piss me off

Christmas is coming too which is always good for whaling on half a stone
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