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Governments response to consultation paper on Tpd

well that's tonights entertainment sorted..... Nobody ban kettles before i've made a brew
LOL! Your kettle has a mouthpiece? What are you ... Asbestos Man?

On the other hand ... sell RDAs, RTAs and SOTs without drip tips ... no mouthpiece, so outside the definition in the regs. :)
Just drip some liquid on the elements, close the lid, put mouth over the spout and click it on. BINGO!

(don't try this at home)
@scrumpox tell me about it, only thing is its a suburban oaps fuckin dream :D

Moving 9 miles out of liverpool city centre killed my social life, although my birthday treat at the local bingo hall, well lets just say it got wild.....
" “Electronic cigarette” means a product that— a) can be used for the consumption of nicotine-containing vapour via a mouth piece, or any component of that product, including a cartridge, a tank and the device without cartridge or tank (regardless of whether it is disposable or refillable by means of a refill container and a tank, or rechargeable with single use cartridges)"

Don't know about you but none of my nicotine contains vapor. WTF are they even talking about....
What if I were to drop a rollup in the shower, would that be classed as nicotine-containing vapour and thus an e-cigarette?
it is all rather silly wording, they can't even speak or write modern english, I ain't got time to read through this bollocks it hurts my head.
" “Electronic cigarette” means a product that— a) can be used for the consumption of nicotine-containing vapour via a mouth piece, or any component of that product, including a cartridge, a tank and the device without cartridge or tank (regardless of whether it is disposable or refillable by means of a refill container and a tank, or rechargeable with single use cartridges)"

Don't know about you but none of my nicotine contains vapor. WTF are they even talking about....
Nicotine-containing vapour = Vapour whats got nicotine in it.
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