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Governments response to consultation paper on Tpd

God that's a lot of reading of stuff that doesn't make much sense to me! Bottom line for me is that I still can't understand how these will actually permeate in, you know, the real world!

Will go back and try to read again when my eyes uncross themselves...
To me it suggests they can't really be arsed enforcing EU rules, and that we'll still be able to purchase our vape gear outwith the EU.
E-cigarette stakeholders supported the Government proposals with regards to
tobacco products, but there was some confusion over whether the restrictions on
images applied to e-cigarettes, which they do not.
the link between stea
God that's a lot of reading of stuff that doesn't make much sense to me! Bottom line for me is that I still can't understand how these will actually permeate in, you know, the real world!

Will go back and try to read again when my eyes uncross themselves...

thats the whole plan.

make it to complicated for the average joe/Joanne to understand then they will quit.

im not quitting and my name aint joe
from what i've read so far, albeit while being force fed chocolate covered raisins by a little boy....

The government has taken a fairly positive view on vaping, by classing it as non medicinal it is a huge bonus to us, classed as medication means utterly brutal, massively expensive testing, funnily enough I assumed they'd swing the other way with the NHS jumping on the vape train. They've displayed while there may be unknown risks associated with vaping it is distinctively safer then smoking, they have left the industry out of many of they regulations that we could have been utterly fucked with, our imports are unaffected. I've seen no mention of bottle sizes being capped nor limits being placed on levels, come to think of it i've not seen anything about tank sizes mentioned either, i did only read upto page 92.... and that was more of a scan for key words that i didnt want to see
from what i've read so far, albeit while being force fed chocolate covered raisins by a little boy....

The government has taken a fairly positive view on vaping, by classing it as non medicinal it is a huge bonus to us, classed as medication means utterly brutal, massively expensive testing, funnily enough I assumed they'd swing the other way with the NHS jumping on the vape train. They've displayed while there may be unknown risks associated with vaping it is distinctively safer then smoking, they have left the industry out of many of they regulations that we could have been utterly fucked with, our imports are unaffected. I've seen no mention of bottle sizes being capped nor limits being placed on levels, come to think of it i've not seen anything about tank sizes mentioned either, i did only read upto page 92.... and that was more of a scan for key words that i didnt want to see
@ned unless i've missed a section? I was expecting a kick in the (hypothetical) bollox, I've not seen anything there that can't be worked around pretty easily. What's making you think otherwise?
from what i've read so far, albeit while being force fed chocolate covered raisins by a little boy....

The government has taken a fairly positive view on vaping, by classing it as non medicinal it is a huge bonus to us, classed as medication means utterly brutal, massively expensive testing, funnily enough I assumed they'd swing the other way with the NHS jumping on the vape train. They've displayed while there may be unknown risks associated with vaping it is distinctively safer then smoking, they have left the industry out of many of they regulations that we could have been utterly fucked with, our imports are unaffected. I've seen no mention of bottle sizes being capped nor limits being placed on levels, come to think of it i've not seen anything about tank sizes mentioned either, i did only read upto page 92.... and that was more of a scan for key words that i didnt want to see
The consultation did not ask for views on mg limits/bottle sizes/tank sizes and so this document does not deal with those issues which suggests they are not up for discussion. Same with advertising for eg.
@ned unless i've missed a section? I was expecting a kick in the (hypothetical) bollox, I've not seen anything there that can't be worked around pretty easily. What's making you think otherwi

but why should we be forced to work around it?
I assumed it would all be hashed out in the initial outline for the things that would be enforcible after may? After all they've covered most of the areas in regards to testing, advertising, classification ect
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