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Governments response to consultation paper on Tpd

I assumed it would all be hashed out in the initial outline for the things that would be enforcible after may? After all they've covered most of the areas in regards to testing, advertising, classification ect

Yep it would have been nice but as with the machinations of government nothing is ever so straightforward. When I saw the questionnaire I was frustrated that it didn't cover the areas I wanted covered but there ya go.

This questionnaire mainly relates to tobacco and many folks who responded were confused about whether certain questions related to ecigs. When I did my response I said a lot about mg/bottle size etc etc at the end in the vain hope that whilst the questions weren't really about those issues, perhaps somebody might actually read it anyway.

Advertising of ecigs is not covered in this document.

For those (proposed) rules see here https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/proposals-for-uk-law-on-the-advertising-of-e-cigarettes/article-205-tobacco-products-directive-proposals-for-uk-law
As yet we have no definitive idea just how those rules will affect forums/you tube reviewers/FB groups etc and as far as I know we have yet to see a consultation document
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@scrumpox tell me about it, only thing is its a suburban oaps fuckin dream :D

Moving 9 miles out of liverpool city centre killed my social life, although my birthday treat at the local bingo hall, well lets just say it got wild.....
I knew it!!! I knew you were one of us!!!
Yep it would have been nice but as with the machinations of government nothing is never so straightforward. When I saw the questionnaire I was frustrated that it didn't cover the areas I wanted covered but there ya go.

This questionnaire mainly relates to tobacco and many folks who responded were confused about whether certain questions related to ecigs. When I did my response I said a lot about mg/bottle size etc etc at the end in the vain hope that whilst the questions weren't really about those issues, perhaps somebody might actually read it anyway.

Advertising of ecigs is not covered in this document.

For those rules see here https://www.gov.uk/government/publi...bacco-products-directive-proposals-for-uk-law
As yet we have no definitive idea just how those rules will affect forums/you tube reviewers/FB groups etc
When I responded, I ignored all the question not related to ecigs ... seems from the document that many vapers tried to answer all questions, hence they've been reported back.

I recall posting here that some advocates really needed to push out a brief guide to completing the consultation paper ... not with cut and paste model answers, but at least telling vapers what to concencentrate on and which questions to ignore.
Given the shite response rate I suppose we ought to congratulate anyone who took the time to fill it out but you get the feeling from the report that they had to deal with a lot of confused and inappropriate replies.

Overall, I'm feeling a whole lot better about it. Nowhere near a nightmare scenario.
@HAZZA1962 you astute bastard!!

@scrumpox they don't do that anymore :'( I was they lone whistler when they called 11, telling you right now give a nanna a dabber she turns into a fuckin number marking ninja
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