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Grey Haze.....?

as someone who worked for an online etailor for several years i do see the other side of things, especially with small companies and businesses. Firstly alot of these companies though being online only are closed at weekends so any orders put through on a saturday or sunday wont get processed until monday ( maybe shipping should be listed as next business day n some cases )
secondly alot of these companies are only run by one or two people, almost a small cottage industry. throw in even a 100 orders a day and thats alot of work to process, pack and ship especially when you factor in all the extra work, updating and maintaining website, telephone orders and queries, email queries , ordering stock , etc etc etc. throw in a day off ill and all hell can break loose. not encountered any problems before with greyhaze , same goes for alot of other online etailors. main thing is to give them the benefit of the doubt for a few days first in most cases and be thankful they arent FT who have of late taken as long as 7 days just to answer an enquiry over an order 2 months late
Phantom Diablo

My personal experience with the only order I have placed with greyhaze was slower then most of my fasttech orders.

I ordered a item and was sent the wrong item several emails later and weeks later I was sent a replacement with a apology.
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they have a phone number wouldnt it have been easier to just call them?
i guess everyone has horror stories with at least one online store. and some stores are just a continuous stream of horror stories. the vagaries of buying online i guess
they have a phone number wouldnt it have been easier to just call them?
i guess everyone has horror stories with at least one online store. and some stores are just a continuous stream of horror stories. the vagaries of buying online i guess

Fasttechs number +1 (845) 262-3440
hold on i'll just pull up my skype.. ooops nope sorry i dont speak chinese and i'll most likely be put in a holding queue for 5 days

But but that's nothing compared to your as you say 2 month wait.

Also surprised you don't know Chinese as you think you know everything else.
But but that's nothing compared to your as you say 2 month wait.

Also surprised you don't know Chinese as you think you know everything else.

and what pray tell is that supposed to mean?

think you need to go stick your head in bucket of ice and take a chill pill rather than sit there having a pop at someone for no reason.
honestly wonder why i bother with forums when there are people like you around to piss on people . you got a problem i suggest you bring it up in PM
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