Well well well, I shoved together a cheeky 6 wrap spaced coil on a 2 mil drill bit, used the full width of post distance to fill it with the coil,shoved some cotton in, angled the coil so it was a whisker away and slightly above the 1 mil air hole and it is absolute bliss. Thanks guys for pointing out higher ohms less watts used. Yep out of the holy Trinity of hot spot, burnt flavour and dry hit, the dry hit is a vicious unforgiving meanie. This strike 18 suits me more than the Narda. Im sure it's cause I can work the air hole to my advantage. I've put my kf lite drip tip on it, and I tote, and say no, it can't be that good, and I keep toting waiting for it to disappoint, it's too good to be true, it's that place you always thought was possible in vaping but always just seemed out of reach. Soft draws great feedback from the rda, effortless luxuriosity. Gobsmacked, thanks once again