The recent BBC reporting of studies suggesting e-cigs (or whatever we choose to call our devices) is very positive. You can only get 5% better than 95%
less harmful after all
However, The TPD has already been passed by the EU, and will become part of UK law in the 2nd quarter of 2016, under the direction of our MHRA.
TW is legally disputing aspects of article 20, the part that specifically details requirements for devices considered to be 'e-cigarettes' (and this
includes all currently available devices capable of supplying nicotine in vapour form, regardless of how we name them).
Some of these details are worth challenging (how can you have a truly leak free filling system?) but details and updates of TW's challenge are less
than forthcoming, I'm sure any info would be well supported.
Wire, wick and batteries are unlikely to be affected, mods perhaps more so, Tanks/RTA/RDA certainly.
The most frustrating aspect may be that I have to watch vaping evolve in other countries as fast as it has here in the UK in the past few years, but be
unable to partake, due to the new devices being illegal here.