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How many flavours have you tried?

about 40 ish , only enjoyed about 6 of those so I now make up 1 ltr of various custard concoctions (some better than others ;) ) and that does me :2thumbsup:
I've only been vaping for just over a month and have tried about 20-30 different flavours
I would reckon a couple of hundred... wife works the weekends so I pretty much spend my time driving around different shops trying as much as I can lol. Im utterly addicted to sampling stuff... although so far i have only found about 10 that I could actually Vape on a regular basis.
Every time I go into my local vape shop they have some new liquids in stock. I try them all. I've only been vaping for almost 6 weeks but I have went crazy buying liquids. My own stock could open a shop I bought so many. I've got to a point now that I decided enough is enough and use what I have before I buy any more. Its like a kid in a sweet shop lololol
Fortunately, you can count unique values in spreadsheets. :)
I've tried 86 premade juices and made 316 different DIY mixes.

After three years of testing and trialling there are 15 different DIY recipes/flavours in my ready to vape stash which I currently vape on rotation.
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