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I can't believe I've seen this...

Jul 25, 2014
Just looking through the paper this morning and I found this incredible article stating 40% of GP's want Ecigs regulated. Well for starters that's a minority.

"Ecigs need to be regulated like a medicine and then be made into a pharmacy only product"

Great news for the government and the ciggy manufacturers.

"This would bring them in line with nicotine replacement products"

Ok, but then you say...

"Since ecigs are not regulated as medicines (medicine? when the f*** was it a medicine?) we do not know exactly what is in them apart from nicotine"

Now hang on a second. This sounds like even 0% nicotine is going to be for the chop. Make your minds up docs, is this an anti nicotine crusade or an anti ecig altogther crusade?

They've been about for years and they don't know what's in them? How can they want them to be a medicine then? Don't doctors know how to use Google?

Anyway this will make them more "safe and effective" - Effective? They're effective now.

Then they have a little box lauding the restaurant that banned smoking outside saying saying the vast majority want a smoke free environment. Yes and what is the relevance to vaping?

Can a doctor please tell me how an ecig is a medicine because it has nicotine in it and a fag isn't, even though it too has nicotine, along with benzene, cadmium, polonium and all that other crap?

Other EU countries have tried the "medicines regs' approach and have been defeated in court.
The key argument against this is that neither Nicotine, or any of the other ingredients have any medicinal value.

E-cigs (and Nicotine) do not treat any known medical conditions, hence they are not a medicine.

This is why the TPD (Article 20, Tobacco Products Directive) that was passed in the EU Parliament in March went for a 2-tier approach with less than 20Mg regulated as a consumer product and stronger items regulated as medicines.

My feeling is that the TPD wouldn`t actually stand up to a decent legal challenge either but time will tell when they try to implement it I suppose.
That's a very good point and you're more up to speed on this than me. It just annoys me the way they have this sort of stuff going out there in the press.

Yesterday I read about an increase in house fires from people leaving batteries charging all night. I mentioned this yesterday but there was no mention of of ciggy related house fires which must be massive. Add to that people being allowed to drink copious amounts and fall asleep with a fag in their hand and we rarely hear anything about that. You can see what the press is trying to do.

I visited my folks the other day and my Dad was banging on about the dangers of vaping, I asked him if he'd prefer me to smoke fags again and he said 'No, but I don't know what's best for you'. He's a bright man, if the media has got to him heaven knows what others are thinking.

Funny old world, they say never to believe what you read in the papers, I think it's reverse psychology because most people seem to believe it anyway.
That's a very good point and you're more up to speed on this than me. It just annoys me the way they have this sort of stuff going out there in the press.

Yesterday I read about an increase in house fires from people leaving batteries charging all night. I mentioned this yesterday but there was no mention of of ciggy related house fires which must be massive. Add to that people being allowed to drink copious amounts and fall asleep with a fag in their hand and we rarely hear anything about that. You can see what the press is trying to do.

I visited my folks the other day and my Dad was banging on about the dangers of vaping, I asked him if he'd prefer me to smoke fags again and he said 'No, but I don't know what's best for you'. He's a bright man, if the media has got to him heaven knows what others are thinking.

Funny old world, they say never to believe what you read in the papers, I think it's reverse psychology because most people seem to believe it anyway.

I`m glad you mentioned Cigarette related house fires as it never gets mentioned in comparison to fire caused by faulty batteries.
Last time I checked lit Cigarettes were the 2nd biggest cause of house fires, just behind electrical/wiring faults.

There are many other types of electrical device which use the same chemistry of batteries and, although I don`t have figures to hand, I bet there were a lot more Laptop/Mobile phone related fires than e-cigs over the last 12 months but, again, that does not seem to make the papers.

It`s a bit of a long, boring read but the full TPD regs as they have been passed are here if you are interested: Updated info post: TPD
I`m glad you mentioned Cigarette related house fires as it never gets mentioned in comparison to fire caused by faulty batteries.
Last time I checked lit Cigarettes were the 2nd biggest cause of house fires, just behind electrical/wiring faults.

There are many other types of electrical device which use the same chemistry of batteries and, although I don`t have figures to hand, I bet there were a lot more Laptop/Mobile phone related fires than e-cigs over the last 12 months but, again, that does not seem to make the papers.

It`s a bit of a long, boring read but the full TPD regs as they have been passed are here if you are interested: Updated info post: TPD

Well said. It amounts to no more than propaganda designed to act upon those that know nothing about vaping. Cigarette fires must be huge, add the also legal alcohol to the mix and it's quiet literally an accident waiting to happen but still, while the government make a fortune from both and lose a trickle of their cigarette money to vaping, best start making vaping into this awful killer.

Reminds me of the stuff they spread about marijuana decades ago in America.

When will the government learn when they try and police these things it simply opens up channels for people to exploit the demand. As I said in another thread, they can't control drugs, how will they control this and besides, I'm very much desperate to remain a non smoker, I will go to whatever length I need to in order to continue vaping. Anyway it's more of a hobby, not a medicine!

Many thanks for that link too, I'll have a good read of that.

I suppose if heroin addicts get free syringes then we might get a free mod & atty ! :grin2:

Someone please write this to their MP!
Well said. It amounts to no more than propaganda designed to act upon those that know nothing about vaping. Cigarette fires must be huge, add the also legal alcohol to the mix and it's quiet literally an accident waiting to happen but still, while the government make a fortune from both and lose a trickle of their cigarette money to vaping, best start making vaping into this awful killer.

Reminds me of the stuff they spread about marijuana decades ago in America.

When will the government learn when they try and police these things it simply opens up channels for people to exploit the demand. As I said in another thread, they can't control drugs, how will they control this and besides, I'm very much desperate to remain a non smoker, I will go to whatever length I need to in order to continue vaping. Anyway it's more of a hobby, not a medicine!

Many thanks for that link too, I'll have a good read of that.

Someone please write this to their MP!

Spot on!
Governments don`t seem to realise that prohibition, generally speaking, does not work well as a means of control, especially if that product is in high demand.
It didn`t work for the Americans with Alcohol and it sure as hell isn`t working for Drugs either.

I am cautiously optimistic that we may yet be able to defeat these stupid regulations but, at the same time I am sat on enough Nicotine Base to last me around 30 years right now.
I do not trust the Government not to screw me over on this so I have taken steps to ensure it won`t impact me too much.
My bigger concern is for the millions who have yet to discover vaping who may find the most effective devices and Nicotine strengths removed from the market which may well keep them smoking (in the worst-case scenario).

I have written to several MP`s and, for the most part, they seem to be sucked in by the lobbying from big Pharamceutical companies and Tobacco companies as well as general misinformation in the mainstream media.

I just hope we are getting too big to squash now, over 2 million of us in the UK now and rising.
I suppose if heroin addicts get free syringes then we might get a free mod & atty ! :grin2:
Someone please write this to their MP!

Lol +1!

On another note, I read an article that scared me a bit on the NHS website, basically claiming it is going to happen (eliquids will be prescribed medicine) in 2016. I look at the date of the article and it's fairly old. Is this true or just BS?? The 2nd comment down under the article is from a supposed vaper, looks more like a false statement from some twat trying to make ecigs and vaping look bad :wanker:

E-cigarettes to be regulated as medicines - Health News - NHS Choices
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Spot on!
Governments don`t seem to realise that prohibition, generally speaking, does not work well as a means of control, especially if that product is in high demand.
It didn`t work for the Americans with Alcohol and it sure as hell isn`t working for Drugs either.

I am cautiously optimistic that we may yet be able to defeat these stupid regulations but, at the same time I am sat on enough Nicotine Base to last me around 30 years right now.
I do not trust the Government not to screw me over on this so I have taken steps to ensure it won`t impact me too much.
My bigger concern is for the millions who have yet to discover vaping who may find the most effective devices and Nicotine strengths removed from the market which may well keep them smoking (in the worst-case scenario).

I have written to several MP`s and, for the most part, they seem to be sucked in by the lobbying from big Pharamceutical companies and Tobacco companies as well as general misinformation in the mainstream media.

I just hope we are getting too big to squash now, over 2 million of us in the UK now and rising.

Well said again Fubar.

You only have to do the maths to realise this is about money and not health. 2 million people, even if they spent just 50p a day on cigs are costing the government 1million a day in lost revenue, give or take the pittance the cigarette manufacturers take after tax. That's a lot of money each year. If it carries on and it's picking up at quite a pace as word gets around and you can see what this is all about.

I'd like to think we can beat and I'm lobbying my MP too but he won't even answer a dicky bird to me. Propaganda is a wonderful tool to pursuade the ill informed and it's working, even with doctors, I mean how they can make statements like in that article when they admit they don't even know what's in them apart from nicotine? speaks volumes for me.

Good for you though, I've read alot of the link too, very interesting. Keep up the good work too, hopefully, and you'd think with a 2 million group we might be listened to, if it was anything else with those sort of numbers they would. It's getting to be a dangerous game though. I've no idea who people here vote for but seeing as the big 3 are against vaping there is one party that did well in the last local elections that seem very much for it.

Time will tell and in the meantime I'm stock piling like you are!

On another note, I read an article that scared me a bit on the NHS website, basically claiming it is going to happen (eliquids will be prescribed medicine) in 2016. I look at the date of the article and it's fairly old. Is this true or just BS?? The 2nd comment down under the article is from a supposed vaper, looks more like a false statement from some twat trying to make ecigs and vaping look bad :wanker:

E-cigarettes to be regulated as medicines - Health News - NHS Choices

Hi Nathaniel,

Yes the article I have at the top from today's paper says the same about the 2016 date. There are several dubious comments in there too like 'Mumoftwokiddies' saying...

I just want to say that I've just been exposed to e-cigarette's secondhand vapours and, without having read anything about them, I have suddenly started feeling nauseous. I do believe this e-sigarettes are more harmful than it is believed and am concerned about mine and other peoples health as it is legal to smoke these cigarettes in public indoor places.

Seriously? Mum of two kiddies? I'd love to know where she's being exposed to this. She felt nauseous without having read anything about them? What??? There's a funny smell about that comment and several others, especially when you know people will read that article and it has social proof being on the NHS site. I reckon half of those comments are dubious.

EDIT. I reckon this snippet at the top of the comments section needs the most attention!

The 33 comments posted are personal views. Any information they give has not been checked and may not be accurate."
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Lol +1!

On another note, I read an article that scared me a bit on the NHS website, basically claiming it is going to happen (eliquids will be prescribed medicine) in 2016. I look at the date of the article and it's fairly old. Is this true or just BS?? The 2nd comment down under the article is from a supposed vaper, looks more like a false statement from some twat trying to make ecigs and vaping look bad :wanker:

E-cigarettes to be regulated as medicines - Health News - NHS Choices

Basically, the short version is that there will be a 2 tier system.

Ecigs or liquids higher than 20mg/ml will need a medicinal license.

For ecigs / liquids less than this than this they are bringing in a whole host of requirements, ( stupid stuff like tanks can't hold more than 2mls of liquid and eliquid must be sold in no more than 10ml bottles.) Its also not clear yet how stringently the rest of the new EU rules will be applied in the U.K. Worst case scenario is that it wipes out all current ecig products off the market. Best case, we carry on but have to abide by some stupid rules.

What I do know is there is no way they are taking off me what I have already legally bought

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