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I don't like my Mini Protank 2 :-(

I've been using cotton micro coils in evods for months and I can't tell much difference between a micro coil and the new kanger dual coils.

The micro coil option beats the new dual coil heads on price as its pence to replace a few strands of cotton and the coil lasts weeks but for someone that is new to vaping and struggling with the old mini protank upgrading to the next generation of kanger products is the easiest way to go
+ 1 for the naturevape. I still havn't tried it but the recommendations speak for themselves. I had a feeling we would be hearing a bit more about these tanks & i'm noticing it creeping in slowly. If i were going to buy a cheap tank, i'd go for these & forget about the kanger efforts, just my opinion & no prejudice against kanger but i never really got with their tanks. Had the evods, protank 2 & protank 2 mini, then i drew a line under them.
I've had the mini protank 3 for over a week and it just works out the box, it wicks perfectly and there is no gurgling when the tank gets low.
kanger have brought out four new clearo's and the build quality is much better.
the new clearo's which include the mini protank 3, T3D, evod 2 and evod glass all take the new dual coil heads which are amazing.
i recieved the evod glass today and its bullet proof and I would recommend the evod glass or mini protank 3 to anyone.

Steamgunk have the evod glass for £4.95!

+1 to this. I have the Mini 2 and Mini 3 and love them both. Mini 3 uses different coils to the 2 mind you, so bear that in mind when you re order. Also, FYI the evod glass that Dopey mentioned is even cheaper on myepack - just £3.99.
I really love the mini 2 - got it just before a trip to India and used it exclusively until I dropped it and bloke the glass sleeve (at least it was repairable once I got home).

Looking forward to trying the mini 3 (on order) and evod glass (not on order - what was I thinking?)
Thanks Dopey, I've just ordered the evod glass. For a few pounds, it's worth a punt! As for the Naturevape offering. I'll order one of them later this evening when I can get onto their site. :-)
Not wanting to derail the Thread, why is the Evod glass better than the Kanger on either mini PT2 or PT3?
Hi folks,

As per the title, I'm not a fan of my two week old Mini Protank 2. Dry hits, poor flavour and leaks have all put me off.

I've tried reversing the rubber grommet, removing flavour wicks, four different coils (with different resistance (1.8 & 2.2)), bought a vision spinner to up the voltage and numerous juices; it still leaves me feeling a bit underwhelmed.

I've also purchased a number of different clearomisers (including the iclear 16 and a Vision CE4).

Is it worth having a go with the Mini Protank 3 or should I save my pennies and go for an Aerotank / Davide King / Nautilus?

Thanks in advance.

I have 2 and have not really had a problem. Liked them so much I got rid of my other clearomizers as I wasn't using them.

But to answer your question do not buy anything yet, they have just announced a Aerotank Mega & Aerotank Mini.
I made a thread on General chat where you can see a pic of the mega but no pic of the mini yet
Not wanting to derail the Thread, why is the Evod glass better than the Kanger on either mini PT2 or PT3?

The evod glass, mini protank 3, T3D and evod 2 all use a new dual coil head (different to the dual coil protank 3 heads)

The original evods and mini protanks had a single coil and the flavour was muted
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