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I had a 'relapse'


Jan 12, 2019
I am on holiday in Portugal and yesterday I was enjoying a long session in a bar ( that you can smoke or vape in) and I was running low on juice and someone said "help yourself to my cigarettes"

I put it off as long as possible but eventually I folded and lit one up after three months of vaping.

Fuck me, it was rank!! I had about two drags just to make sure and then stubbed it out.

How on earth did I ever smoke that disgusting stuff??

When I have to stand outside and vape with smokers, I confess that I am a little jealous that they are still puffing on those lovely cigarettes , I have a feeling those thoughts are now a thing of the passed and I have definitely rounded the corner :)

As a side note, I met a guy over here who is starting a vape shop and the prices he will be charging for juices are bloody eye watering . A 60ml short fill will end up at about €25 with the nic shot. With smokes at 3-4 euro a pack it is cheaper to smoke!!
That's not a relapse and you just reminded yourself of what you are not missing.
I am on holiday in Portugal and yesterday I was enjoying a long session in a bar ( that you can smoke or vape in) and I was running low on juice and someone said "help yourself to my cigarettes"

I put it off as long as possible but eventually I folded and lit one up after three months of vaping.

Fuck me, it was rank!! I had about two drags just to make sure and then stubbed it out.

How on earth did I ever smoke that disgusting stuff??

When I have to stand outside and vape with smokers, I confess that I am a little jealous that they are still puffing on those lovely cigarettes , I have a feeling those thoughts are now a thing of the passed and I have definitely rounded the corner :)

As a side note, I met a guy over here who is starting a vape shop and the prices he will be charging for juices are bloody eye watering . A 60ml short fill will end up at about €25 with the nic shot. With smokes at 3-4 euro a pack it is cheaper to smoke!!

Can't say I have relapsed myself but I was expecting you to start "socially smoking" especially if fags are cheap & readily available
(places like Gibraltar & Canaries are crazy fucking cheap like £2 a pack)

Nor would I have judged you either - tbh I was expecting to respond with usual "up ya nic" if ya wobbled easily
but ya stubbed it out and realised yourself that you don't really wanna go back on the fags - so well done

As for smoke - yeah sorta get what ya mean - I don't mind a slight waft of a fag from say 6~10ft
but next to me on a bench say outside at work - I don't like fags THAT close to me tbh (I really don't)

Yeah - don't think the fag sellers like vape stuff as like all tobacconists, they know their business is looking to decline
though like you say fags are much cheaper in costa del faggy places - but still the tobacco market or new smokers is depleting

Always pack 50% extra juice spread across cases plus a couple in 10ml on ya
two kits (in case tank breaks or lost) - at least one beinf a good lasting stock coil
(Recently a freshly wicked True & Zenith went travelling with good lot of juice & leads & charger battery packs etc....)

Nah well done - at least now ya know what you are NOT missing
Not a relapse matey, more a reminder to always leave the house well prepared!

Fair point. I brought plenty of supplies with me, I just didn't factor in spending 10 hours in a bar when I left the house :)

You live and learn!
Nah, you're fine mate. As has been said, that wasn't a relapse, if you had bought a carton of 200 and polished them off, that would be a relapse!

Think many have been where you have. I foolishly kept a pack of twenty cigs in the cupboard when I started vaping many moons ago. One particular rough day after vaping for over 4 years, I cracked and sparked one up (4 Years of steeping cigs definitely doesn't improve them!) and after only one pull, I was nearly sick. Absolutely vile and felt sick for a good few hours after. Safe to say that pack is now in a landfill somewhere and I've never been tempted since.
I'm disgusted,your on holiday you jammy git.

What's even better is that I am staying at my Dads so this is a VERY cheap break from the Scottish winter. £55 for return air tickets and some spending cash is all I need:)

Shame about the location though.

What's even better is that I am staying at my Dads so this is a VERY cheap break from the Scottish winter. £55 for return air tickets and some spending cash is all I need:)

Shame about the location though.

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Think I might need to come out and check that you're alright actually.
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