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How To iclear 30 rebuild help please


Aug 18, 2013
So, I have searched this forum and youtube but can't find anything on how to rewick/wire and iclear 30.

I have two I need to have a go at rebuilding. Both wicks are burnt to shit and way past dry-burn cleaning or soaking IMO.

I have taken one apart and it looks really complex; 4 wicks with 8 wraps around then laid across another 4 wicks with 8 coils wrapped around. Each wick/wire has bit of wire hanging down that took a bit of force to pull out when I first took them apart. I have made the wicks and coils but don't know where the legs go.
All I can find on youtube is how to clean them. :/

Anyone rebuilt one and how did you do it?


*le sigh*
I will wick anything, but took one look at the iclear 30, and threw the coil away! They are about £2 a kick, so not worth the hassle in my eyes! The pack I sent you, has a spare head in there ;)
I had a good old go with some res no res wire and gave up, vaping vision do a pack of 5 for just under 9 quid Inc postage
Okay, thanks both. If you can't do it then I sure as hell haven't got a chance.
AndyC1971. I missed the post today but have got a card saying they tried to deliver a package. Did not get to post office before it shut though. Will try in morning.

Did you get yours?
Okay, thanks both. If you can't do it then I sure as hell haven't got a chance.
@AndyC1971. I missed the post today but have got a card saying they tried to deliver a package. Did not get to post office before it shut though. Will try in morning.

Did you get yours?

Not yet, but there is difficulty around here with Post at the moment, and everything is taking a couple of days longer. As soon as its here, I will let you know :) I have already cleared a space ;)
I could have cycled there and back quicker.

Found the 5 pack for £9. Cheers, trouble is, now I have to have browse at everything else on the site... ;)
Now it's asking me to choose 1.5 or 2.1 ohms. Which do I need? I have egos and an itaste vv v3.
I would personally go for the 1.5 ohm if using on a standard eGo, the downside is I find the lower resistance heads not to last as long, but its only a tiny amount :)
I agree with the lads on these - I recoil everything but I too wouldn't bother re-coiling these. I've been using them for ages and they're pretty much the only thing I use - when you use them regular you get used to the taste / colour of the juice changing and know when it's time to do a clean / dry burn and other than one popping I've never put a new one in yet and I've got loads of them. Sounds to me like they should have been cleaned sooner but if you stick with them you'll get to know when the time is right. Put the fecked one in a mild solution of Miltons fluid or Vodka for about 15 minutes and you'll probably find you'll be able to revive it. I've had some gunked to fuck with a 100% vg mix and still got them going using Miltons and plenty of dry burning. Good luck pal.
Think I'll pass the bloody things on to someone else. I have managed to salvage one of them by soaking and dry-burning. The other was so black and crusty. That's the one I took apart so it's buggered now.
Is the 2.1 ohm better for a battery with VV VW?
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