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If you were to start vaping again today, knowing what you know now, what would you do differently.


May 6, 2018
Hey guys me again, I'm a bit hooked to this place lol.

Thought it'd be interesting to see all of the different answers and maybe even get some handy tips as a fairly new vaper, so...

As per the thread title.

Given all of the knowledge you have now, if you were to start vaping again today as a new vaper what if anything would you do differently or what would you do first.

For myself and I've only just got started with it, mine would be buying wire and making my own coils.

When I vaped about a year ago I was spending £4 on stock coils and just thinking about the savings is mind boggling.

I'd also probably get a back up tank asap too because I broke my only one last year in Manchester airport and ended up smoking again.

Looking forward to your replies.
Hey man, as you say everyone is different - for me I'd shift to drippers and squonkers sooner, the flavour is so much better.

I'd also spend less time worrying about making coils - buying high quality coils from the likes of our own dear @Smut is easier, nets better coils than I could make myself and are surprisingly cheap.

Things I did right - find this place, batteries from Fogstar, and avoid Smok :)
Mine would be, get a starter kit and leave it there.

Vape the starter kit, drop my nic strength and quit vaping.

But now, I've been vaping so long and enjoy this place. I'd not stop.

Although id have far less clutter.
Hey man, as you say everyone is different - for me I'd shift to drippers and squonkers sooner, the flavour is so much better.

I'd also spend less time worrying about making coils - buying high quality coils from the likes of our own dear @Smut is easier, nets better coils than I could make myself and are surprisingly cheap.

Things I did right - find this place, batteries from Fogstar, and avoid Smok :)

How do you go about vaping when you are out and about with a dripper, or is a squonker one of those squeeze things?

Does it basically act like a tank mixed with a dripper?

I wouldn't change anything really. I've enjoyed the journey and the sense of discovery.

Having back-ups is definitely important. Making own coils saves a lot but sometimes I can't be bothered to go through the ritual and want something ready made.

I did spend a lot of time, and money, trying to find eliquid that replicated cigarettes ... I never have! However, I did find excellent eliquid as a result. The naturally extracted tobacco variety are better than smoking, in my opinion.

Best of luck.
Mine would be, get a starter kit and leave it there.

Vape the starter kit, drop my nic strength and quit vaping.

But now, I've been vaping so long and enjoy this place. I'd not stop.

Although id have far less clutter.

I can see how you'd get carried away mate.

If I had the money when I got my tank I'd have probably ended up with loads of stuff.

Just picking a juice is hard enough when you don't really have any favourites.

I wouldn't change anything really. I've enjoyed the journey and the sense of discovery.

Having back-ups is definitely important. Making own coils saves a lot but sometimes I can't be bothered to go through the ritual and want something ready made.

I did spend a lot of time, and money, trying to find eliquid that replicated cigarettes ... I never have! However, I did find excellent eliquid as a result. The naturally extracted tobacco variety are better than smoking, in my opinion.

Best of luck.

I done that at first regarding tobacco flavour.

I ended up getting none that tasted like it but did find a nice tobacco with caramel.

Only problem was, I bought 18 mg nic and it knocked me sick.

Far too strong for my tank, I had a cleito.

Put me completely off tobacco flavours but it did get me hooked on sweets.

But that didn't last as I smashed my tank in the airport and started smoking again.
Get myself a private P.O. Box that way the wife wont find out what ive ordered when iam out and the postie comes.........
How do you go about vaping when you are out and about with a dripper, or is a squonker one of those squeeze things?

Does it basically act like a tank mixed with a dripper?

So a squonker comes in 2 parts, the mod and an RDA with a squonk pin. The mod contains a squeezable bottle which holds your juice, usually anywhere between 6-8mls. Squeezing the bottle send your juice up through the middle of the connector (510) on the top of the mod. A squonk pin is the screw at the bottom of the rda, only it has a hole through the middle which allows your juice to continue its journey to your rda's deck where your wick can pick it up and deliver it to your coils. And that's it - squeeze, vape vape vape squeeze etc . The flavour of an rda with the convenience of a tank.
Get myself a private P.O. Box that way the wife wont find out what ive ordered when iam out and the postie comes.........

Haha my missus is moaning at me for watching videos on building etc and messing around making coils.

So a squonker comes in 2 parts, the mod and an RDA with a squonk pin. The mod contains a squeezable bottle which holds your juice, usually anywhere between 6-8mls. Squeezing the bottle send your juice up through the middle of the connector (510) on the top of the mod. A squonk pin is the screw at the bottom of the rda, only it has a hole through the middle which allows your juice to continue its journey to your rda's deck where your wick can pick it up and deliver it to your coils. And that's it - squeeze, vape vape vape squeeze etc . The flavour of an rda with the convenience of a tank.

Thanks for the description, sounds quite good.

How much different is the flavour on a dripper compared to a tank? Also why is it more flavourful better air flow and a smaller chamber?

Oh and tell me to shut up if my numerous questions get annoying haha

I've just got really excited/interested in vaping.
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