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Is my Vape Journey Finally Over

Well if you still enjoy vaping just have it as a treat at certain times in the day. All the best.
Late night is the worst, I lie in bed awake convinced that the Police will cart me off for the crimes of my youth or chastise myself for not doing any of the things i'd promise to do.
I'm not at all surprised that you vape at night...
Hiya mate, not much I can add here now really but I wish you all the best with whatever you decide to do and we are here if you need us. Do what feels right to you and it'll fall into place mate.
Thanks for all the support guys i appreciate it i really do, i think i am going to think a while about it. I love the forum and there is no way i would quit POTV even if i quit vaping, i would miss it too much. As i mentioned in a earlier post i am approaching my 1st year of not smoking and will be quite proud with myself for achieving that goal after 47 years smoking, i honestly thought i would never do it, but it's help and advice on here that has helped me the most so Thank You All for that. I can't see myself going back to the Roll-Ups in all honesty but then i guess anything could trigger smoking again. Also @Phat Barstood i know the feeling though no Police involved yet. I filled my BB before bed last night and between 10.30 and 4am i had vaped almost half a Tank which i think is really going some for me, and if that is anything to go by i really should keep vaping in some form or other.
I filled my BB before bed last night and between 10.30 and 4am i had vaped almost half a Tank which i think is really going some for me, and if that is anything to go by i really should keep vaping in some form or other.

I have no idea how much a BB tank holds, but do you not find that vaping overnight affects your sleep and raises your heart rate?
@andi52 I have never been a great sleeper since i started reaching a certain age, i am of the same opinion as Sam Eliot who says in the film Roadhouse, I Will Get All The Sleep I Need When I'm Dead. Regarding my Heart Rate which i could talk about all day with the tests and different Medications i have been on. My Heart Rate has finally been sorted after running at 100+ BPM for forever really. Since my Heart Failure back last March they have been trying to lower my Heart Rate with different Meds, My Heart Rate is now 60-65 BPM which is spot on for a normal person so the answer is Drugs keep my Heart at a steady rate. I think a Boro holds 5mil but not 100%.
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