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Is vaping going to mess me up?

Jings, crivens ....help ma boab.....Im worried I've no got a worry.....Im away tae get one....

Edit: Got one.....Cotton.....sometimes it's not white...if it is white.... why is it so white....the non white cotton is usually square...how the fk can that be..:D
I would feel awful first thing, knowing I had a day of trying to keep myself ‘together’ ahead, and then bad again in the evenings. So I’d smoke a few cigs in the morning and the evening, managing to vape in the time in-between. Within a couple of weeks I quickly got used to my ecig, that fear of the ‘unknown’ was gone, and then it came to running low on tobacco, I made the decision. I kept a small amount of tobacco, because I wanted it there for ‘emergencies’. 2 years later, I’d thrown that last bit out, that emergency never happened :)

It’s a tricky situation you’re in. I know what it feels like to struggle for breath due to panic, with asthma on top, I can see how it spirals in your mind. It would be worthwhile looking up and practicing breathing excercises for helping with anxiety. I have situations now where I find myself getting a bit panicky and short of breath, and taking a couple of minutes to get my breathing rhythm back on track helps me immensely.

Sorry for late reply man I fell asleep last night. Yeh I can remember when I had tjat year break and I also kept a bit in a pouch for 'emergencies' again that never happened. It gives me strength to know that guys have gone through what I'm about to attempt and hope yiu will help me through the fire to.the other side bro
Are you maybe overthinking this @Vapeguy1990?

Switching to vaping, is a 100% positive change in your life. All of us on here have made the change & it's nothing but a good thing. With that, vaping can become a bit of hobby, something to pass the time & keep your mind off the crap that life throws at you

You don't have to go balls to the wall into it straight away but if you cut one ciggy a day, that's one ciggy a day not smoked. Then make it two & so forth. It's a long term thing, you don't have to let go of them straight away if you don't want to as we all know what a crutch they can be

This place is amazing, anything you want to know you can just ask, if you want to rant off, just go ahead & it's a great place to get stuck in & have a chat. Diving through the archives is great fun too

Thanks for the advice bro....oh Yeh I totally agree I am over thinking it but I think that's part of my problem/condition.
To help you understand me a bit better il give you a example of how bad/hard things have. at the beginning of the illness I couldnt even eat barbecue sauce as it would make me feel like I couldn't breathe (don't know why). If I smell anything but fresh air it would happen again.. even slightly smelling someone else's perfume same thing eould happen..... If I was in a shop and someone coughed anywhere near me I'd have to go home and wash as I was so scared about catching the flu(which we all know makes it hard to breathe even when your normal) ..... I was soo low I contemplated taking my life as I just could see that I life lile that was worth living....now a few years down the line I can go shopping but still feel I need to rush in stores and get the huge urge to leave if someone coughs but at least now I an just pay and leave whereas before I'd have to leave immediately. Now when I was tjat bad was the same time I had a break from.the cigs but now I'm smoking again but have a slightly clearer mind so I think now is the time to stop on my say so and not because I'm soo poorly in other wats.....So I hope that helps you see what a mountain this is for me to try and climb...I know some things are hard to understand with me, heck I don't understand some of it myself lol but I hope with the right support and people to share genuine thoughts and feeling with it will give me more straight to pull through
Right here goes
I got myself and the missus both a small vape kit in 2013 because she was struggling with her copd... But smoked like a fecking chimney.. She didn't stick it, but sometime that year I got totally stink free.
She on the other hand slowly but surely upped here ciggie intake to almost 40 a day.. Ffs
It took 2 weeks in a fucking coma on life support January 2018 for her to get away from the poison.. She steadfastly would not vape when she came home. And gullible me thought she was doing really well...... Till I caught her out having sneaky fags outside.... I fecking flipped out on her... She now Vapes and loves it... It doesn't cause any chest problems and as I will remind you COPD+ smoking =constant problems with breathing and eventually resperatory arrest...
Now happily vaping and while not cured (COPD doesn't have a cure) I reckon she is at least 80% better since kicking the filthy fags..
So if you're scared of vaping I'd be doubly scared of smoking (Bro)

Hey mate I envy being in the 'after the quit' situation bro. Thank you for sharing that with me, Yeh I think it's because I was already soo used to fags why I don't find them scary even tho that's where the fear should be. I think yiu are right tho I need to stop feeling like I'm going to vape then my chest is going to be dry and tight and feel like my lung isn't inflating. Wish this forum had a video chat section as would be nice to be chatting whilst everyone Vapes and be kinda around people ad I try a bit...like a conference call lol..Maybe thats unrealistic but would be cool.
Just a thought on this, there are people allergic to nickel, so to answer your question it might be best to avoid nickel (ni80) or stainless steel (which contains some nickel) coils if you're worried. Kanthal should be fine. :)

Thanks bro Yeh that's what I had read, I've actually grabbed sine wire il check it and see what it is
Just a thought on this, there are people allergic to nickel, so to answer your question it might be best to avoid nickel (ni80) or stainless steel (which contains some nickel) coils if you're worried. Kanthal should be fine. :)

Yeh I checked the wire and it's nichrome 80 so from a Google search it has nickel so I won't even bother with it. I'm looking on the website wire and stuff to look at kanthal but having trouble understanding which one to go for, would you or anyone be able to help me plz?
Yeh I can remember when I had tjat year break and I also kept a bit in a pouch for 'emergencies' again that never happened. It gives me strength to know that guys have gone through what I'm about to attempt and hope yiu will help me through the fire to.the other side bro

Yep, there’s always folk about to offer support or advice, @zouzounaki has his own unique way of doing that :D From what you wrote above ... that is something that has worked for you before, yes? If it’s worked for you once, it has more chance of working for you a second time.

Can I ask if there’s a particular reason you want to start with the Dead Rabbit, was it because you tried your friend’s? It would be much easier for you to switch over using a tank with stock coils (plug and play) rather than having to practice building before you can get a consistent vape. There are plenty of them that give a dtl vape you’re after.
Yeh I checked the wire and it's nichrome 80 so from a Google search it has nickel so I won't even bother with it. I'm looking on the website wire and stuff to look at kanthal but having trouble understanding which one to go for, would you or anyone be able to help me plz?
I get mine from Stealthvape, who you can rely on for quality. Might be a good idea to start with just plain kanthal A1 wire - I use 28AWG for MTL, but you might be better off with 26AWG or 24 AWG for lower resistance coils for DL. Others here will help, depends on what resistance you want to build to. :)

Can't tell if your trying to help or not mate??

Sorry, that was a reply to @Rickster ’s rambling about his worries.

My advice would be this. If you are anxious about the effects puffing vapourised e-liquid into your lungs might have (which is reasonable enough, for someone with asthma) common sense would suggest using a type of device that delivers the nicotine using the least amount of vapour and with the least amount of power and heated metal to deliver it.
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