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Is vaping going to mess me up?

I know it's not easy mate. My wife has asthma and we both smoked like chimneys. I smoked for 25 years from age 12. It took for her to have two serious life threatening attacks and for her to go into respiratory arrest and turn blue with me having to give CPR for 5 minutes to keep her alive until the ambulance arrived to make us both finally quit. The difference after she quit was night and day. She was on steroids practically every other month. She hasn't needed a course now in over a year. Smoking aggravates asthma badly. Even when you think it's under control an attack is just around the corner. Best thing you'll ever do is stop smoking. Asthma is no joke. Add smoking and its a ticking time bomb. Wish you nothing but the best and good luck quiting. You'll get there. You're already thinking about it so you're on the right path.

Congrats to you both that's great to hear you've been successful together it's nice to know I'm not the only one who has really struggled with this and health at the sane time well it's not nice but you know what I mean :). I hope I can be at your level dome day coz I got a family tjat I need to be here for. They are my main motivation even above my own fear of death I want to be here to look after them
Congrats to you both that's great to hear you've been successful together it's nice to know I'm not the only one who has really struggled with this and health at the sane time well it's not nice but you know what I mean :). I hope I can be at your level dome day coz I got a family tjat I need to be here for. They are my main motivation even above my own fear of death I want to be here to look after them
For years people always told me that to quit successfully you have to quit for yourself. It's absolute BS. I quit because I didn't want my wife to die and I wanted her to quit. There's not much out there in this world that's a stronger motivator than doing something for those you love. The key is perseverance. Never give up giving up.
Congrats bro well done, did you suffer with any health issues before/ after the switch?

Thanks. No, but every year from October to March I would have a perpetual dose of the cold, was always coughing and caught every chest bug going. I don't suffer from any of that now.
Only you can decide when smoking has had it's day for you. Everyone on here has had the same journey, some of us maybe mentally, were in a better position to just say enough, and stop instantly. Others may need to take more time to adjust to life without cigarettes.
One thing for sure is, there are lots of people on here who want you to succeed and will help along the way.
Good luck, but crack on with it, for the sake of your health and wellbeing.
People always told me that to quit successfully you have to quit for yourself. It's absolute BS. I quit because I didn't want my wife to die. There's not much out there in this world that's a stronger motivator than doing something for those you love. The key is perseverance. Never give up trying to give up.

Thanks man I really appreciate you sharing your journey with me and am taking it all in. Theres so many nice people on here it's nice to know there's still gooduns out there
Thanks. No, but every year from October to March I would have a perpetual dose of the cold, was always coughing and caught every chest bug going. I don't suffer from any of that now.
Only you can decide when smoking has had it's day for you. Everyone on here has had the same journey, some of us maybe mentally, were in a better position to just say enough, and stop instantly. Others may need to take more time to adjust to life without cigarettes.
One thing for sure is, there are lots of people on here who want you to succeed and will help along the way.
Good luck, but crack on with it, for the sake of your health and wellbeing.

Thanks man I'm going to try and do it soon and when I do no doubt I'd like to be one here having a chat with yiu all so I can ask questions as they pop up. Hope everyone would be cool to baby me along lol
You've had quite the journey fair shout in having the courage to do it...this is what I need to hear about to help me along.
Did you start just in the day? Coz I font know about you but my anxiety was usually worse in the evenings.

I would feel awful first thing, knowing I had a day of trying to keep myself ‘together’ ahead, and then bad again in the evenings. So I’d smoke a few cigs in the morning and the evening, managing to vape in the time in-between. Within a couple of weeks I quickly got used to my ecig, that fear of the ‘unknown’ was gone, and then it came to running low on tobacco, I made the decision. I kept a small amount of tobacco, because I wanted it there for ‘emergencies’. 2 years later, I’d thrown that last bit out, that emergency never happened :)

It’s a tricky situation you’re in. I know what it feels like to struggle for breath due to panic, with asthma on top, I can see how it spirals in your mind. It would be worthwhile looking up and practicing breathing excercises for helping with anxiety. I have situations now where I find myself getting a bit panicky and short of breath, and taking a couple of minutes to get my breathing rhythm back on track helps me immensely.
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Are you maybe overthinking this @Vapeguy1990?

Switching to vaping, is a 100% positive change in your life. All of us on here have made the change & it's nothing but a good thing. With that, vaping can become a bit of hobby, something to pass the time & keep your mind off the crap that life throws at you

You don't have to go balls to the wall into it straight away but if you cut one ciggy a day, that's one ciggy a day not smoked. Then make it two & so forth. It's a long term thing, you don't have to let go of them straight away if you don't want to as we all know what a crutch they can be

This place is amazing, anything you want to know you can just ask, if you want to rant off, just go ahead & it's a great place to get stuck in & have a chat. Diving through the archives is great fun too
Right here goes
I got myself and the missus both a small vape kit in 2013 because she was struggling with her copd... But smoked like a fecking chimney.. She didn't stick it, but sometime that year I got totally stink free.
She on the other hand slowly but surely upped here ciggie intake to almost 40 a day.. Ffs
It took 2 weeks in a fucking coma on life support January 2018 for her to get away from the poison.. She steadfastly would not vape when she came home. And gullible me thought she was doing really well...... Till I caught her out having sneaky fags outside.... I fecking flipped out on her... She now Vapes and loves it... It doesn't cause any chest problems and as I will remind you COPD+ smoking =constant problems with breathing and eventually resperatory arrest...
Now happily vaping and while not cured (COPD doesn't have a cure) I reckon she is at least 80% better since kicking the filthy fags..
So if you're scared of vaping I'd be doubly scared of smoking (Bro)
over 5 years ago when i started vaping, i had been diagnosed with athsma & copd, when i gave up i had the usual cold & the odd bout of flu, but on the whole ive been ok, i can know go out for long bike rides & walks with out my legs feeling like lead...
Yeh they're definitely rare and I'd expect nothing but my luck is soo rubbish I can just imagine something like that getting in my way. Do you have any idea what the best/most likely not to cause a reaction coil metal to go with? I've done a fair bit of research into this and a lot seem to say clapton made of kanthal wire???
Just a thought on this, there are people allergic to nickel, so to answer your question it might be best to avoid nickel (ni80) or stainless steel (which contains some nickel) coils if you're worried. Kanthal should be fine. :)
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