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Is vaping going to mess me up?

Sorry, that was a reply to @Rickster ’s rambling about his worries.

My advice would be this. If you are anxious about the effects puffing vapourised e-liquid into your lungs might have (which is reasonable enough, for someone with asthma) common sense would suggest using a type of device that delivers the nicotine using the least amount of vapour and with the least amount of power and heated metal to deliver it.

That's cool bro just wasn't sure lol....Yeh mate ive tried some if the lower power stuff but my body doesn't lile pg much so has to be high VG which you need a pretty good tank setup to get good results from at which point if I wanted best flavour may as well get rda....at least that was my reasoning at the time :)
You could use an rda with tight airflow on low power with high nic and vg for minimal clouds.

What’s happening with the pg?
Yeh I checked the wire and it's nichrome 80 so from a Google search it has nickel so I won't even bother with it. I'm looking on the website wire and stuff to look at kanthal but having trouble understanding which one to go for, would you or anyone be able to help me plz?
Why don't you check first whether you do in fact have an allergy to nickel before throwing away perfectly good wire and putting other perfectly good wires on a black list? Have you any symptoms like a rash or blisters? What reasons would you give a doctor or dermatologist for suspecting a nickel allergy - because somebody on the internet suggested that you might be?

With regards to PG and asthma inhalers - bear in mind that inhaling PG vapour is completely harmless and is used only as a delivery mechanism in the inhaler, it's not the active ingredient.

Seems to me that you won't win any Olympic medals for problem solving. You show a tendency to bundle up problems, real or imagined, until they become impossible to face up let alone solve. Break them down, one at a time, and keep moving forward rather than get trapped in analysis paralysis.
Im going to suggest, that if vaping is causing the OP this much angst, and clearly having a negative impact on his current mental health issues.....then perhaps in the short term he explores other NRT products on the market.
You could use an rda with tight airflow on low power with high nic and vg for minimal clouds.

What’s happening with the pg?

Yeh that's the plan bro vape it about 40w to start and shut off some airflow.
I just seem to get an irritated through when I have pg, think il get away with 80vg but I'm not sure about 70vg
Im going to suggest, that if vaping is causing the OP this much angst, and clearly having a negative impact on his current mental health issues.....then perhaps in the short term he explores other NRT products on the market.
Tried em bro, patches make me feel sick, mouth spray gave me really bad hiccups (annoying) and there was a pill I could havd taken to block the receptors but I didn't like the sound of it tbh.
It's what I want to do mate I know that....
Just have some strange issue dont I?
I don't expect you to understand bro to be honest if yiu said this is how I was guna be when I was twenty I would have laughed Coz used to be really strong minded
Just a quick note for any lurkers reading this thread.

Vaping isn't complicated or difficult for most people and they tend to adjust very quickly.
Just have some strange issue dont I?
I don't expect you to understand bro to be honest if yiu said this is how I was guna be when I was twenty I would have laughed Coz used to be really strong minded

That’s the second time you’ve said that ... it isn’t about being weak-minded as opposed to strong-minded, like you used to be. It seems like you’ve developed quite a serious anxiety issue after losing someone close to asthma: a traumatic life event like would effect anyone, so to a lot of us, it is understandable, even if we’ve not experienced exactly the same things.

You seem to be falling into the classic anxiety trap of catastrophising. That is, immediately thinking about the worst-case scenario of every situation. If you don’t challenge that kind of thinking, you can end up with no life, because you never do anything (been there). As @scrumpox mentioned, break things down into manageable tasks, and start making small steps, before moving on to bigger steps.
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